Monday 13 July 2015

Guild Update 25th January 2015

New Members

Jo Hook writes:

We welcome the following new members into the Guild:

·         Albert Eikelenboom from the Netherlands joins. His interests are Market Garden, Operation Veritable
·         Neil McDonald from Liverpool joins. His interests are Liverpool City Guide, Normandy
·         Graeme Macpherson from West Sussex joins. His interests are WW1 and WW11, Waterloo and Falklands
·         Ian Langworthy from Cambs joins. His interests are Waterloo, Western Front and Normandy

Ardennes Recce

Secretary writes:

Members are reminded of the Ardennes Recce being run from the 12th - 17th June 2015. Details are attached. If you would like to come on this recce please drop me a line asap.

2015/16 Membership Fees

Jo Hook writes:

The payment window for Guild membership fees is now open.  Please remember to email Jo Hook at the membership secretary address if paying by BACs and the reference should be your GBG member number.  If paying by cheque please put member number on the back.  Attached is a link on “How to pay Guild membership fees” Tony please attach link. 

Please note members will not be chased and it will be assumed if membership has not been renewed by 1 April 2015 that membership is no longer required.

Those who have made payments will be receiving receipts shortly.

Please also note that should you wish to email me on any Guild related matters please use the membership address only and not my work email address or my personal email address or any form of social media. 

Attached is a link to the guide produced by the membership secretary on how to pay via cheque or BACs payment.

Somme Validation Event

Mike Peters writes:

The Somme Validation Session will take place from 1200 hours at the Blighty Tea Rooms, La Boiselle on 30 Jan 15.

The following Assignment 1 Candidates will be validating:

·         Adrian Ridley-Jones – 30th Div River Crossing
·         Bob Gallagher - Battle of Hamel 1918
·         Robin Burrows-Ellis - Capture of Hillman

The Validation Team is:

·         Tim Saunders
·         Mike Peters
·         Jo Hook
·         Mike Scott
·         Allan Wood (Trainee Validator)

Guild Members attending to date are:

·         Eugenie Brooks
·         John Anderson
·         Paul Kersey
·         Anthony Scott (Scottie)
·         Richard Hone (non-member)

Any other members who wish to attend as audience members should contact Mike Peters.

A Lunch of Bacquette and soup will be available at 1100 hours at a cost of 8 Euro.

Transport will depart Suffolk 0445 hours, members wishing to travel on the minibus can be collected along the A12 or may join the bus at Maidstone Services at 0700 hours.

Public Lending Rights

Tim Lynch writes:

Don't know if this has been flagged up recently but any members who have written or contributed to books may wish to register for Public Lending Rights.

Authors are eligible for a massive 6.6p every time their book is taken out of a library. Doesn't sound much but my statement for the last year shows that around three people per day borrow my stuff so it adds up to a few extra quid and is well worth the few minutes it takes to register.

Details at

Al Murray

Chairman writes:

Due to ongoing work commitments Al Murray has decided to step down as Vice President of the Guild. The Council would like to thank him for his support and wish him well for the future.

Naval and Military Press

Andy Thompson writes:

At the AGM members raised the issue of N&M not producing Mac compatible software. I went to the office recently and met with their IT man who explained that, as a mail order company, there system logs the details of every computer that accesses their website. This confirm that only 8% are MAC based PCs or tablets. Thus, despite using a MAC system themselves, they deem the Apple market too small to justify investing serious money into related product development.

Guild lunches 2015

Andy Thompson writes:

Diary dates for members:

·         Friday March 27th (Please note the change of date as the original clashed with another guild event)
·         Friday December 4th The annual Christmas lunch.

Both events at The Union Jack Club (which is adjacent to Waterloo Station) with full details being published eight weeks before the event.

Dyle Weekend Cancellation

Chris Finn writes:

I regret that we are going to have to cancel the Dyle weekend scheduled for 20-22 March due to lack of numbers.

John and I envisaged the event as a full "Guild Weekend", and not a Recce, so it is just not worth running for five or probably less attendees.

We are looking at re-scheduling the event sometime in the future.

Validation Event Swindon Area – 7/8 March 2015

Alison Hine writes:

A Validation Event will take place based on the Cold Harbour Inn, Blunsdon Nr Swindon on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th March 2015.  There will be five Validation sessions spread over the two days plus a one hour tour of the Battle of Lechlade led by Chris Scott.  As well as candidates we need an audience and validators so all are welcome – up to a maximum of 20 – 30.     The event cost will be a flat rate of £25 for candidates/audience members and £10 for validators.  Accommodation and food are not provided but are available at own expense.  The Cold Harbour Inn is next to the Premier Inn, Swindon North, where accommodation may be booked.  Current online rates per room are £39.00 fixed or £70 flexible.  For those staying overnight dinner will be at own expense in the Cold harbour Inn followed by a fiendish British Military History Quiz organised by Chris Scott.

Those wishing to attend should apply on the attached form to Ian Gumm

Those wishing to validate should contact Alison Hine on but please note there is already a reserve list for Assignment One attempts.

Best Regards

Tony Smith
Guild Secretary

International Guild of Battlefield Guides