Monday 13 July 2015

Guild Update 21st February 2015

Membership Subscriptions

Jo Hook writes

I would like to remind members of the following:

1.    The payment window for membership fees is now open and will close on 1 April 2015. We are now halfway through the payment window for membership fees.
2.    MEMBERS SHOULD - Email confirmation of payment to the membership secretary at if payment is made by Bank Transfer.
3.    A guide on how to pay can be found at
4.    Members who have not paid by 1 April will not be chased and it will be assumed that they no longer wish to renew membership.


Payment of Guild Membership Fees 2015-16

Mike Peters writes:

Those members that have paid their subscription for the coming year electronically may well have noticed that the process is far more streamlined. This is due to the wonders of online banking - the Membership Secretary Jo Hook now has access to the Guild account online and can verify your payment far more easily than in previous years. We have had a steady stream of subscription payments by this method over the past few weeks and members have been complimentary about the enhanced turnaround time from payment to the issuing of a receipt. Thanks are due to Treasurer James Dinsdale for activating the online access and to Jo for her hard work to date. I take this opportunity to remind you all to make your payment before 1 April 15 as we will not be expending weeks and months of nugatory effort chasing non-payers - there simply isn’t the time and all of those involved in that process are working guides who will be out on the battlefields for much of the coming year.  I have instructed Jo and our Secretary Tony Smith that non payers will not be allowed to attend events and are to be removed from the membership list and all mailing lists with effect 1 April 15. I realise that this all sounds very draconian but a huge amount of time and effort was expended chasing loose ends last year - we simply don’t have the capacity in the Guild to do that, so please help us to manage the process efficiently by paying your fees before the April deadline.

Guild AGM 2015-16

Mike Peters writes:

Members should be aware from previous bulletins, social media and Despatches that there is no AGM in 2015. In an attempt to move away from what has become an intensely busy period in the guiding calendar we have shifted away from November to a weekend in February. From February 2016 onwards we will meet annually every February. So uniquely this year, we all have 12 months to think about attending, doing validation, saving up to cover costs. The venue is still to be confirmed but it will be in UK and it will take place on the dates advertised. Please put the AGM weekend in your diary - It is sure to be another great event.

Free Course

Secretary writes:

Members may be interested to know that the University of Leeds has partnered with the BBC to deliver a free online course, 'WW1: changing faces of heroism'. The course begins Monday 9 March and is for anyone with an interest in WW1 history and how it has shaped culture and society over 100 years.

Using content from BBC presenter and academic Professor Mary Beard and archive material, this short 3 week course looks at how the war moved us away from traditional views of heroism and created new kinds of heroes and heroines and the legacy this has left us with today.

Despatches Magazine

Secretary writes:

The latest edition of Despatches is en route to all members. If you haven't received your copy within the next two weeks please let me know.

Swindon Validation Event

Ian Gumm writes:

The following GBG Members have put their names down to attend the Swindon Validation Event being held at the Cold Harbour, Blunsdon near Swindon on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th March 2015.

Ian Gumm
Chris Scott
Alison Hine
Bob Brunsdon
Eugenie Brooks
Anthony Rich
Christopher Finn
Robert Shaw
David Harvey
Gregor Davey
Roger Emmerson
Julian Humphries
Julian Whippy
Tim Stoneman
Ray Wilkinson
Andy Day
Rhydian Vaughan
Chris John
Charmian Griffiths
Chris Cherry
Vern Littley
Bruce Littley

If there is anyone else wishing to attend can they please email Ian Gumm at with the following details:

Applicants Details:
GBG Membership No:
Email address:
Post Code:
Contact Telephone:
I wish to attend the Validation Event at Swindon:
Saturday 7 March:               Yes/No
Sunday 8 March:                 Yes/No
I will be staying for Dinner on the Saturday night:     Yes/No

Please note that by sending this to Ian Gumm the Applicant agrees: (1) to pay on arrival (£25 for attendees, £10 for Validators)  and (2) that should he/she subsequently be unable to attend then he/she agrees to pay any associated costs should the Guild require it.

Best Regards

Tony Smith
Guild Secretary

International Guild of Battlefield Guides