Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Guild Update 30th June 2014

Administration of Membership Fees

Mie Peters writes:

Fellow members,

the collection of membership fees has proved problematical this year. As publicised at the AGM and in various despatches and weekly bulletins, membership now runs from April to April and fees are being collected accordingly. The timely payment of these fees by members is critical to the update of our membership lists and the administration of the Guild. As the Managing Director of the Guild I (and Council Members) are legally responsible for maintaining our organisation on an even financial keel. This is difficult if members do not pay their annual fees on time. In addition our mailing list for bulletins and the distribution of the Guild Magazine is taken directly from the membership list.

We have had numerous cases of members promising to pay their fee…we are now at the end of June and this is still going on. As you can appreciate this creates nugatory work for the Membership Secretary, the Secretary and myself. In order to get an up to date membership list into circulation and to allow publication of Despatches, I have had to adopt a robust approach and I have instructed the Membership Secretary to issue the list and the Secretary to go to print with Despatches, posting copies only to those who have paid their membership fee. I hope you will see that this is the only sensible course of action.

Those who have not paid their fees will not receive the magazine and will be removed from the mailing list for the weekly bulletin. In response to requests from members, the Membership Secretary has produced a flow chart explaining how to pay membership fees electronically. This will be posted on the Guild Website for future reference and it will be attached to next week’s bulletin.

Urgent Speaker Required for 1st July

Allan Wood writes:

I had a call today from a former member of my old Regiment who is now a teacher who has had a guest speaker for a First World War day pull out next Tuesday afternoon, 1st July. He said that this speaker was closing the day for the 12 year olds at his school which is very near Hampton Court Palace.

I would do it but am still working full-time. But someone else may be able or willing to help who lives close by. I said I would ask and see.

If there is someone I am happy to put them in contact with Will Pope, the teacher.

British & Canadian Lancasters flying together

John Chapman writes:

The Canadian and British Lancasters will be flying together at the following air displays:

8-13th      8th ish Canadian Lancaster arrives UK Air Space, details  of Double Displays not  yet known during this period.

14-17th Airbourne Eastbourne Intnl Air Show.
16th also Combined ops show.
17th  also Sywell Great Air Show.
21/22nd Clacton Air Show.
23/24th Dunsford Wings and Wheels.
23rd  also Dawlish Air Show.
24th also  Little Gasden.
30/31st Bournmouth Air Festival.
30/31st also Shoreham Air Show

Ypres Tour Business For Sale

Ryan Gearing writes:

An opportunity has arisen to purchase an established tour business with retail in Ypres. There is scope to develop the retail side as the premises has 7 years left on the lease. The sale includes all stock, minibus and all confirmed bookings (up until December 2014). For more details please contact Ryan Gearing (

Upcoming Guild Events

Secretary writes:

9th - 12th October Arnhem and Beyond

Wybo Boersma has just put together the proposed schedule for the October Arnhem Event:

9th: Arrival
10th: Tour in and around the large German Bunker and its role during Market Garden, visit to the House Doorn, former house of Kaiser Wilhelm !! Now with a new exhibition about Wilhelm II during WW1 ( opening September 2014), visit John Frost bridge, diner near the Bridge
11th: Walking battlefield tour in Oosterbeek and visit at the Arnhem-Oosterbeek War Cemetery. Evening BBQ and visit museum at Deelen Airfield.
12th:Visit Airborne Museum, walk around the headquarters in the Garden, validations?? . After lunch finished.

Cost all including: Room for 9th, 10th,11th; lunches, dinners, museums, transport. Drinks own cost.
Sharing  per person € 400. = £ 320
Single rooms add € 50 = £ 40 ( € 450 = £ 440)

There are now 7 members who would like to attend. We need a minimum of 15.

Wybo has an option on the hotel until 1 August so please can you drop him a line if you would like to attend ->

Dublin Event for 2015

This is now being developed and further details will be given shortly.

Guild Weekend BEF the Dyle to the Canal Line 20th - 22nd March 2015

Chris Finn and John Cotterill are planning a Guild event following the BEF from the Dyle to the Canal Line 1940. The outline tour is Fri night rv in Brussels; Sat Eben Emael to Escaut and overnight Brussels; Sun Escaut to Ypres-Commines Canal and return to the UK. 

If you would like to express your interest in attending please let Chris know at

Wall St Journal - 100 Legacies - the Lasting Impact of World War 1

Secretary writes:

The Wall Street Journal has produced a rich multimedia interactive on 100 Years, 100 Legacies:  The Lasting Impact of World War 1 – a selection of stories, graphs, videos and photographs featuring 100 legacies from the first World War that still shape our lives today. 

The interactive also includes a World War 1 Quiz and option for reader feedback on further suggestions.

Best Regards

Tony Smith
Guild Secretary