Friday, 18 July 2014

Guild Update 18th July 2014

Guild Update

Secretary writes:

Some members did not receive their copy of the Update over the last two weeks. This was because for some reason the Guild appeared on a list of 'spammers'. This issue has now been resolved and normal service has been resumed. Back copies of the Update can be found on the website under Guild News.

Photographs of Guides 'In action'

Secretary writes:

Please keep sending in your pictures of guides in action. These will be used on the website and in future copies of Despatches.

Despatches Summer Edition

Secretary writes:

The latest edition of Despatches is just going through the final proofing stage. It should be with you in the next couple of weeks.

Normandy Recce 12th - 16th September

Secretary writes:

This is a final call for anyone interested in coming on the Normandy Recce in September as we need to get the accommodation sorted. The current list of attendees is:

·         Hugh Jenner
·         John Greene
·         Derek Young
·         Bob Brunsdon
·         Jim and Mrs White
·         Ian Mitchell
·         Tony Smith
·         Glenn Hearnden
·         Robin Burrows-Ellis

Costs will be kept as low as possible with discounted ferry fares and budget accommodation.

If you are interested in coming please let me know by close of play Sunday.

Calvados Roadshow

Mike Peters writes:

Members may be interested in the following:

The Calvados Tourist Board and its partners will be coming to the UK for a workshop roadshow from Tuesday, 7th to Thursday, 9th October 2014.

This will be your chance to come and talk to the tourist offices of Caen, Lisieux, Trouville, Deauville, Bayeux Bessin, Honfleur and Cabourg, the Père Magloire Distillery, Graindorge Cheese Factory plus the Normandy Tourist Board and Brittany Ferries.

We would be delighted to meet up with you during one of the three following workshops:

-          Tuesday, 7th October in the Bristol area (venue tbc)
-          Wednesday, 8th October in the Birmingham area (venue tbc)
-          Thursday, 9th October in the Gatwick area (venue tbc)

Please save the date now for this unique opportunity to find out everything Normandy has to offer for your future programmes and clients!

A final invitation with all the details will be sent out in early September.
We look forward to seeing you this autumn.

Western Front 100

Mike Peters Writes:

The Suffolk Branch of The Western Front Association are proud to present a six-year-long centenary event comprising six inter-connected annual seminars with excellent guest speakers.

·         25 October 2014: The men who went to war
·         3 October 2015: Trial and error
·         13 February 2016: Taking the initiative
·         22 April 2017: Becoming the senior partner
·         11 August 2018: The winning formula
·         29 June 2019: Coping with the aftermath

Booking is now available for the first event:

25 October 2014: The men who went to war

·         Charles Messenger: The regular British Army and its performance in the first months of the war
·         Jack Sheldon: The German Army from Mons to Ypres
·         Richard van Emden: ‘Tickled to Death to Go’: The story of 8292 Trooper Ben Clouting, 4th (Royal Irish) Dragoon Guards

Jack Sheldon, Charles Messenger and Richard van Emden will all take part in a Forum to discuss questions on 1914.

Venue: The Kesgrave War Memorial Community Centre, Ipswich

Tickets: £25 to include a buffet lunch, morning coffee and afternoon tea. The centre also has a bar. Time: 10am - 5pm

Please inform us of any special dietary needs. There will also be an evening meal at the venue for those who wish to stay on, at a further cost of £25. Please indicate if you wish to stay for the meal and send the additional £25. Menu choices will be sent to those staying for the evening. Places for the evening are limited so please book early.

Tickets can be purchased online NOW through PayPal at:

or by cheque, payable to ‘WFA Suffolk Branch’, posted with SAE:
Western Front 100, 137 Angel Street.
Hadleigh. Suffolk. IP7 5BY

Ypres Road Issues

Tony Coutts-Britton writes:

Just back from a Wipers trip and any guides heading that way need a heads up on the route. On Saturday 12 July, road works began at the border on the Steenvoorde to Poperinge road. We had to dodge around to the south. Coming back on Monday, I went from Pop to the motorway at Junction 13 via Abele only to find that the work involves a narrow section just about the width of the coach. We got through with a couple of centimetres to spare but the sides are big concrete blocks, so any small mistake will damage a coach. If going to Lijsennthoek, guides are advised to use junction 14 and take the D roads towards Pop.


Chris Scott writes:

Any member fancy playing a wargame over the summer at my house in Swindon, just off the M4?  I have figures and terrain for most pre-20thC actions so you don’t need to bring anything except your good humour and tolerance of my rules.  Could follow up game by a trip to local and the quaffing of real ale to discuss historical military tactics.  We can make it small a group event as I can host up to 10 people - the table’s pretty big.  If we get a few players I’ll circulate dates and co-ordinate a day or evening.
Any takers? Drop me a line

Alternatively if you’re passing Swindon any Thursday evening why not arrange to visit my usual regular mates’ game.  The Swindon Irregulars are a friendly crew and I am sure that even if it’s a continuation game we can find you a role in the mayhem and butchery. 
“This week I am mainly butchering Brits for the Mhadi.” – Jesse.

Guide Wanted

Secretary writes:

I have received the following - if anyone can help please can they let me know asap.

As we are making an itinerary for a short WW1 tour, I am wondering where I can find a guide based in either Belgium or France that can guide a 2-3 tour for a Philippino student group (high School)?
They speak English well so it would be in English, but they would have an extension to Paris, which is why I am only looking for a guide on the spot. Possibly even 1 in Belgium and another in France.
Would you happen to have local contacts with battlefield guides?

I hope you could help me out with this request quite urgently, with many thanks in advance!

Highway to the Reich: Operation Market Garden and the Battle for the Low Countries 1944: Seventy Years On

Mike Peters writes:

After seventy years it is time to re-evaluate the importance, impact and outcome of Market Garden, alongside a wider reappraisal of the fighting in the Low Countries in the autumn of 1944.

·         Why did Market Garden take place?
·         Why did it fail?
·         What were the consequences of the operation?
·         How did it impact on the experience of war in the Low Countries in 1944?
·         How and why has it been depicted, studies and commemorated in the years since 1944?

Such questions and issues form the basis of this major international conference to be held at the University of Wolverhampton in September 2014, hosted by the University’s Department of History, Politics and War Studies.

Full details can be found in the attached flyer.

Willys Jeep for Sale

Ryan Geering writes:

I have just been advised about a 1945 Willys Jeep that is looking for a new home. Shipped to Norway it was returned and never used so the new owner will be the first registered keeper at zero miles in the UK. Needs a fuel tank and a little tlc. Currently located in London in dry store and surplus to requirements it needs to be moved asap. For more details and contact number please drop me a line -

GBG Badged Guides Dinner London Friday 8th August

Last call for the Badged Guides Dinner – Bids to Graeme

All details next week:
Location, Cost, Timings etc

This is Black Tie with Badges

The following are attending.

·         Mike Peters
·         Bob Darby
·         John Cotterill
·         Chris Scott
·         Wade Russell
·         Tony Smith
·         Tim Stoneman
·         Tom Dormer
·         Alan Wood
·         Jo Hook
·         Tony Scott
·         Paul Oldfield
·         Mike Sheil
·         Mike Scott
·         Terry Webb
·         Bob Brunsdon
·         Tim Saunders
·         Graeme Cooper

Best Regards

Tony Smith
Guild Secretary