Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Guild Update 11th July 2014

Membership Subscription Payments

Jo Hook writes:

Further to the Chairman's email regarding membership, as from 2015 there will be a four month window for members to pay their membership fees. 

From January 2015 a link to the attached document will go out with every update.  The link explains exactly how to pay if you are paying by cheque or BACs transfer, it includes the Guild Bank details and a simple to follow flow chart on how to pay membership online via your bank
account.   Late payment has a huge effect on the working processes of the Guild insofar as the Chairman and Secretary rely on my input for member addresses to send out updates and the magazine - until they know who has paid they cannot give the magazine publisher an accurate figure.  We have a budget for the magazine and therefore your prompt payment means we keep within that budget (i.e. we send magazines out to those members who have paid their membership fees).  As such I have tonight (8 July 2014) sent the secretary the finalised list of members who will receive the Guild Magazine.  The Chairman as stated took a "robust" stance and has agreed with me the plan for payment next year.

Please do take the time to read the flow chart it has all the information you need in which to pay.  As from 1 January 2015 I will keep the secretary up to date on weekly basis of those members who have paid up until 1 April 2015.  On the April 1 2015 I will close the window, assume those who haven't paid membership no longer wish to renew their subscriptions and send the Secretary an updated list of the current members who have paid their subscriptions.

This year as the new membership secretary hasn't been a particularly easy year as I have taken over from the outgoing membership secretary - I thank him for all his input and the information he has provided me but as the new membership secretary I would like to adopt a different stance.  I am fully aware that the Chairman and Secretary are reliant upon my input. I would therefore appreciate your assistance by paying your subscriptions on time in 2015.

New Guild Partner

Secretary writes:

We are pleased to welcome Battle Honours on board as a new Guild Partner. As members will know Clive and Julian who run the company are long standing members and supporters of the Guild.

Validation Day, Mytchett - Saturday 30 August

Alison Hine writes:

We have received applications for validations from the following: Andy Day and Clive Montellier for Assignment 1 and John Pratt and Andy Crooks for Assignments 5 and 6.  There is room for a few more.  We also need Validators and of course an audience. Please note there will be a small administrative charge for the day which will include lunch.

Please could anyone wishing to attend in whatever capacity contact Alison Hine as soon as possible.

Arnhem Weekend

Wybo Boersma writes:

More information about the GBG weekend in October is attached. Please confirm a.s.a.p before my holidays, your room requirements. We need more members for the weekend.
If I am slow in answering mails: the holidays are the reason -

List of member GBG who have interest in attending the GBG Arnhem weekend as at 5 July 2014.

Brid, Steve K.                                     Single room?                                      Please confirm
Chambers, Steve                             Single or double room?                 Please confirm
Greene John.                                    Single room                                        Is  confirmed
Griffiths, Charmain                          No room?                                            Two persons for all activities? Please confirm
Jenner, Hugh and  Elke                 Double room.                                    Is confirmed
Neagle, Kathleen                             Single room.                                       Is confirmed
Oldfield, Paul                                     Single room?                                      Please confirm
Scott, Anthony                                  Single room                                        Is confirmed

We need about 15 members to get the discount price for the hotel. I have an option for 7 single and 7 double rooms. Last date to confirm rooms is during the first week of August.
If you like to attend only a part of the weekend please let me know.

Normandy Recce 12th - 17th September

Secretary writes:

As you may be aware there is a Guild recce event organised for the 12th – 17th September which will examine the British and Canadian sectors of the 1944 Normandy Battlefields.

The group will leave on Friday 12th via Portsmouth and return on the 17th. Discounted ferry fares are available (Brittany Ferries) and the cost of accommodation in Bayeux is being kept to a minimum.

There are still some places available and if you would like to join the group please drop me a line asap. The recce will be extremely useful for those members interested in guiding the Normandy beach area as well as being a great social occasion which will give you a chance to meet and exchange information with other members with similar interests.      

Belgium in the Second World War - New Book

Jean-Michel Veranneman writes:

Members may be interested to note that my new book on Belgium in the Second World War is published in September. Details and advance orders can be found at -

Ypres Congestion

Steve Williams writes:

Have just returned from the first of  13 scheduled trips to Flanders between now and October 30th.......
Can you alert all guides as to the huge increase in attendees to the Menin Gate ceremony. the levels have increased from an average of 4 coaches per day to about avoid disappointing groups who wish to attend and observe the act of remembrance , they will need to be "position" at 19:00hrs.

I heard a rumour circulating , that they may try to hold two ceremonies each day.. one at 18:00hrs, and the second at the usual time 20:00hrs, but could not verify.

Beaumont Hamel is likewise very busy, and would suggest visiting this site as early as possible in the morning, if the intention is to have a day on the Somme.

Welsh Memorial In Flanders

Ian McLeod writes:

For those members, who are interested, the Welsh Memorial in Flanders Campaign took a leap ahead earlier this week. The Dragon, left its native Wales last weekend and arrived on Monday 7th July at the Pilkem Ridge site  (Hagebos/Iron Cross) where it was successfully attached to the stone Cromlech (Dolmen) that has been in place for some time. This leaves our Belgian colleagues to landscape the park around it ready for the Unveiling Ceremony on Saturday 16th August 2014. The memorial will remain covered during the intervening period, so that the completed structure will be seen for the first time at the Ceremony. More details are available on the Campaign website.

The Campaign, in co-operation with the War Research Society, has produced a souvenir booklet, 'The Welsh at Wipers',  to commemorate the occasion of the erection of the Welsh Memorial on the Pilkem Ridge in Flanders in 2014, the 100th Anniversary of the start of WW1. It is a 72-page, A4 size publication printed on high quality photographic paper giving a brief outline of the progress of the War in the Ypres Salient and details of the operations  there of the Welsh infantry battalions.  It also includes a ’Roll of Honour’ of officers and men chosen from each of these units, year by year, to represent their fallen comrades. Other names are also included of Welshmen who served in other regiments and in Dominion forces. The names listed also represent all parts of Wales. A chapter is included on the 38th Welsh Division’s capture of Pilkem Ridge on 31st July 1917; the first day of the Battle of Passchendaele.
It includes 47 coloured photographs of the present day Ypres battlefield, depicting sites of significance to the service and sacrifice of Welsh soldiers, and 20 black-and-white historical photographs of Welsh soldiers taken during the war. 

Copies are available for £10, plus £2 p&p; all proceeds go to the Campaign.  To order your copy, please send a cheque or Postal Order for £12, made out to ‘The Welsh Memorial in Flanders Campaign’ to Ian Mcleod, 2 Paveley Drive, London SW11 3TP

Help Wanted

Nicky Bird writes:

I have a group of 21 people I am guiding around the Salient the weekend of 30/31 August. Too many for two 9-seaters, which is all that is available for hire at Lille Europe station. Does anyone know of a good, reliable local coach company who might provide a medium-sized coach with, presumably, driver?

Which Magazine

Secretary writes:

Members may be interested to note that the Guild is significantly mentioned in the latest issue of Which Magazine which is running a piece on battlefield touring. The journalist who wrote the piece consulted extensively with the Chairman when putting it together. It is interesting to note that the Guild is increasingly being consulted on matters battlefield touring.

Best Regards

Tony Smith
Guild Secretary