Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Guild Update 15th June 2014

New Members

Jo Hook writes:

We welcome the following new members into the Guild:

·         Eugenie Brooks from Bagshot Surrey joins. Her interests are WW1 and WW2
·         James Buchanan from Rutland joins. His interests are WW1 and WW2
·         Rupert Follett from Godalming Surrey joins. His interests are WW1 Western Front Ypres and Somme
·         Jim Smithson from BFPO 31 joins. His interests are WW1 especially 3 battles of Scarpe.  WW2 Ardennes and Hurtgen Forest
·         Nigel Hobden from East Sussex joins. His interests are WW1
·         Hermant Singh Katoch from New Delhi India joins. His interests are Battles of Imphal and Kohima 1944

Help 4 Heroes – Big Battlefield Bike Ride – 1-8 June 2014

Paul Oldfield writes:

The Guild once again provided a team of four guides to support the annual H4H BBBR - Bob Brunsden, Andy Johnson, Tim Pritchard-Barrett and Paul Oldfield. The riders were very pleased with the stories they heard and the Guild was advertised widely without being too overt. The ride started in Brussels and majored on the opening days of WW1 for the BEF to Mons and Elouges. Thereafter it was not possible to continue following the Retreat, due to hotel and route constraints. The rest of the week crossed the battlefields of 1916-1918 through Arras, Amiens and Compiegne before finishing in Paris. This made it more difficult to maintain a coherent theme, but there was a wide variety of topics to go for instead.

Next year is ‘Normandy’. Route and precise locations to follow. I’m intending to build a pool of interested guides for 2015 and future years. Badged Guides will take priority. As far as possible those with relevant expertise will be selected, to avoid unnecessary research having to be carried out beforehand. Badged Guides who would like to join the pool please let me know, plus anyone else who would like to be considered.

Some pics of the event are on the website at

70th anniversary of the D-Day landings and the role of the Met Office

Brian Fawcett writes:

This may be of interest to some members.

The Met Office played a crucial role in the timing of Operation Neptune, which saw troops and equipment cross the English Channel for Operation Overlord and the D-Day landings in Normandy. See 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings and the role of the Met Office

First World War Musical drama-London (Highgate) July1-3 and Cambridge July 4th,5th

Martin Coslett writes:

We would like to notify you about our production of a First World War Musical Drama called "Shot at Dawn".

We put on a highly successful showcase at the Etcetera Theatre, Camden, London in Nov 2013 and are now producing a fully staged version.

It is full of beautiful songs and has an intriguing storyline.

For more details see

Going to War Europe and Beyond, 1914-15 Saturday 29 Nov 2014 at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst

Vern Littley writes:

Members may be interested to note the following conference:

A one-day conference with:

·         Prof Ian Beckett (Kent), Dr Adrian Gregory (Oxford),
·         Dr John Paul Harris (RMAS), Dr Rob Johnson (Oxford), Dr Paul Latawski (RMAS), Dr Stuart Mitchell (RMAS),
·         Prof William Philpott (KCL), Dr Matthias Strohn (RMAS)
·         Dr Ed Yorke (RMAS) and Dr Stephen Walsh (RMAS).

General admission:£55
Sandhurst Trust members: £50;
Registered PhD students: £45.

Price includes refreshments and full buffet lunch with wine. Tickets from the Sandhurst Trust or 01276 412838.

Major(Retired) R.C.D Clark M.B.E.

Vern Littley writes:

The death is announced of Major Richard Clark on Monday, 9th June. The funeral will be held on Thursday 19th June at Alderbury Church at 2pm.

Best Regards

Tony Smith
Guild Secretary