Friday 8 January 2016

Guild Update 4th December 2015

Last Call for the Guild AGM Weekend

Secretary writes:

The Guild AGM weekend will be held at Highgate House Northampton between the 29th and 31st January 2016. All members and associate members are invited. An application form to book your accommodation requirements is attached.

The Guild AGM will be held on the afternoon of Saturday 30th and formal notification of this will follow.

The final details of the programme for the weekend are in the process of being prepared and will be put up on the website in due course. However one element will be a Naseby battlefield walk which will be held on the afternoon of Friday 29th. It would be useful if members interested in participating in this would indicate that on the application form at this stage.

Payment for the weekend can be made by cheque (made payable to the Guild of Battlefield Guides) or bank transfer (if using this method please let me know when you have paid and reference the payment so that I can identify it). Payment must be made before 31st December 201

Places are virtually filled up and there are now very few rooms left. If you want to attend please let me know asap.

To date the members and associate members attending are as follows:

Graeme Cooper
R Barnes
Chris Finn
Anthony Rich
John Pratt
Carlo Larosa
Vivienne Whelpton
Paul Oldfield
Terry Webb
Ian Langworthy
Allan Wood
Gary Edwards
Mike Mizen
David Harvey
John Cotterill
Tony Smith
Mike Peters
Simon Worrall
Emma White
Mike Scott
Brian Shaw
Dudley Giles
Tim Stoneman
Tony Coutts Britton
Lord Faulkner
Wybo Boersma
Willem Kleijn
Duncan Barnes
Chris Preston
Andrew Thomson
Duncan Cook
Julian Whippy
Clive Harris
Kathleen Neagle
Ian Gumm
Glenn Hearnden
Bert Eikelenboom
Joel Stoppels
Julian Humphries
Dennis Weatherall
John Hamill
Rob Deere
Edwin Popkin
Jip Meijer
Paul Kersey
Jo Hook
Mike Shiel
Bob Darby
John Greenacre
Anthony Scott
Tim Saunders
Tom Dormer
Gary Weight
Michael Jackson
Chris Scott
Pamela Golding
Andy Johnson
James Porter
Jim White
Roger Lye
Phillipe Maree
Belgian Tourist board
Belgian Tourist board
Stuart Kinloch
Vern Littley
Bruce Littley
Gordon Hill
Bob Brunsdon
Alison Hine
Simon Bendry
Francois Wicart
Margaret Pearson
Rob Webb
Robert Hina
Sue King
John Marr
Ewan Carmichael
John Harris
Carl Hellicar
John  Marr
Paul Stevenson
Christopher Newbould
Steve Cocks
Susan Cocks
Keith Bowen
Frank Baldwin
John  Richardson
Gary Sheffield

Please double check that you are on this list if you think you are coming! If you should be on it but are not please let me know asap.

AGM 2015 - Call for Member and Associate Members Resolutions

Secretary writes:

The Council is currently requesting members and associate members resolutions which they would like to put before the AGM. Any current member or associate member can forward a resolution, details of which need to be emailed to Tony Smith, Guild Secretary at Resolutions should be sent to the Secretary by the 18th December 2015 in order to comply with the requirements of the Constitution for giving notice of the AGM.

All resolutions must be detailed in the email and due to the nature of voting will need to have a clear ‘For or ‘Against’ outcome. The formal notice of the AGM, the list of resolutions and proxy forms will then be published and forwarded by e-mail to all members and associate members at which point the resolutions will be opened up to proxy voting with a deadline for receiving these of the 23rd January 2016.

All members and associate members will be eligible to attend the AGM and will have the opportunity to vote on any of the motions in person. Any individual member unable to attend the AGM is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend, speak and vote on their behalf as per Section 324 of the Companies Act 2006 and Article 19 of the Guild Constitution. Anyone appointed as a proxy must themselves be an individual member or associate member of the Guild of Battlefield Guides entitled to vote.

Validation at the Annual General Meeting

Tim Stoneman writes:

Guild members wishing to be validated for Assignments 1, 5 and/or 6 at the AGM should email me ( by 29 December in order for the validation sessions to be arranged and fitted into the weekend's programme.
Members wishing to submit written assignments prior to the AGM are reminded that the Validation manual states: "Candidates must allow at least a clear month between submission of assignments to the ValSec and the Friday before the Guild AGM if they are anticipating the award of the Badge at that AGM. There will be no assessment of written assignments at the AGM."  Thus the deadline for submission of written assignments by those hoping to be awarded the Badge at the AGM is also 29 December.

Will Townend Award

Secretary writes:

The award honours the memory of the late Will Townend, in particular his willingness to share his extensive technical knowledge of Artillery and his wider knowledge of battlefields in general with his fellow Battlefield Guides.

It is also intended that those nominated for the award will be recognised as selfless members of the GBG who freely and unselfishly share their knowledge with their peers.

To date I have not had many nominations. I would be grateful if members could put some thought into considering who they might like to nominate and let me know. Voting is restricted to members and associate members of the Guild only.

Security Situation in Belgium

Jean-Michel Veranneman writes:

The Belgian government has downgraded the threat assessment for Brussels from 3 to 4 which means a terrorist attack is likely but not imminent. This means condition 3 now applies for the whole of Belgium. Four is the maximum. I have been from Liège, where I live to Brussels and back the day before yesterday, with no problem whatsoever. Apart from (far) more police (and army) patrols on the streets than usual, life is pretty much returning to normal.

I would personally advise for school trips from the UK to be postponed but I think individuals or small groups can come and go without much risk.  

New Book Launch

Ryan Gearing writes:

Details on a new book on history of chemical (gas) warfare from the April 1915 (chlorine) attack and first use of phosgene in Dec '15 - launch at In Flanders Fields Museum 10th Dec.

Anyone is welcome RSVP on the invite (attached).

Bouzincourt Tunnel System

Dave Platt writes:

I would like to let our members know that after a long and complicated process I have secured access to the Bouzincourt tunnel system. It's easily accessible for any groups visiting the Albert area.

It’s a unique experience with 829 individual pieces of WW1 graffiti on the walls and art created by soldiers of different nationalities as a lasting memory of their last acts prior to going into action.

The system has about 25 accessible chambers with WW1 artefacts, like boots, tins, SRD jars and cutlery.

The package includes, a safe visit action plan, risk assessment, PPE, insurance, head torches and a registered tourist guide to open up and liaise the experience.

If any of our members are taking tours to the Somme and wish to add a really interesting and unique tunnel tour I can organise that with at least 2 weeks notice.

Main points:

  • Maximum group size of 10. (it's possible to have larger groups by arrangement)
  • Minimum group size of 4 persons.
  • 2 weeks notice.
  • Visit duration about 1.30 mins to include a safety brief.
  • Bookings, PPE and insurance arranged through me.
  • Head torches and hard hats provided.
  • Cost £20 a head to include all the above and a specialist guide.

Email: for details.

11 visits already completed this year and 17 bookings for next year!!

Despatches - Pictures

Secretary writes:

Many thanks to all those that have sent pictures in reponse to my request for more for the next edition of Despatches - I have been overwhelmed!

Best Regards

Tony Smith
Guild Secretary