Friday, 20 September 2013

Voice of a War Veteran

“Voice of a War Veteran”
A systematic narrative introduction to the Experiences of a War Veteran

A 2-day Workshop at
John Pounds Centre
Queens Street

Presented by
Dr David Jackson and Mr Kevin Spruce

Two day Workshop:  “Voice of a War Veteran”

Thursday 26th September 2013 and Friday 27th September 2013

From 0930 hours to 1630 hours

“The thought, sensitivity, care and passion upon which the weekend/workshop was based, has been utterly unique to me” (Chartered Psychologist).

This was an emotional, thought provoking and challenging
few days. Inspirational leading edge research!” (Doctoral student).

Workshop Details and Booking Form

Workshop aims

There is a growing body of excellent civilian led research about War Veterans and their experiences.  This research is usually based in and around PTSD and the physical transition from a military culture to a civilian culture.

The workshop puts the “Voice of the War Veteran” alongside this research and from a War Veterans perspective.   This workshop has been developed from Dr David Jackson’s and Kevin Spruce’s research and experiences of being War Veterans (Northern Ireland and the Falklands).  The content draws on their private practices in counselling Veterans and their families, and also on excellent third party research.  We aim to offer an insight into War Veterans way of thinking and way of being to assist those, who assist them.

This workshop is open to experienced practitioners and medical professionals who better want to understand “War Veterans” and to take this knowledge and assimilate it into their own best practice when supporting War Veterans.

It is also aimed at Veteran Organisations who will benefit through the development of closer relationships with their client group, through increased knowledge of the War Veterans’ experiences.

This workshop will also assist Veterans and their families to better understand the actions and thought processes of the War Veteran.

Many of our Armed Forces are making the transition into civilian street, and many of those have experienced war.  The transitional issues linked with combat related PTSD will be with us for many decades, and the Veterans will need support and understanding.  All delegates will go away with a better understanding of the ‘lot’ of a War Veteran.

Day 1

   Interview with a War Veteran
   Stereotypes and the impact on War Veterans
   Introduction to PTSD
   Psychological / Physiological PTSD
   PTSD.  What is its Purpose?

Day 2

   What is a War Veteran?
   War Veteran Culture
   Transition - Assimilation or Acculturation
   Film:  Three days of Loss:  A War Story
   War Veterans: Feeling the Flatness

Venue: John Pound’s Centre, Queen’s Street, Portsmouth, PO1 3HN

 There is an on-site café which supplies a large range of healthy & delicious food with vegetarian choices always available, plus hot and cold drinks.
Transport to the Centre
Car:  For guests traveling into Portsmouth we are easily accessible by road. The M275 leads straight into the heart of the city and then follow the brown signs for ‘Historic Waterfront’. Queen Street is the main road that leads down to the Historic Dockyard.
Train:  Our nearest train station is Portsmouth Harbour – a simple 5 minute walk from the John Pounds Centre – with good connections to London and the West.
 We meet at the Royal Maritime Club for informal networking on the Thursday evening
Feedback from 2013 Conference:

"On behalf of myself and others who were there, I would like to thank you so very much not just for the time it has taken you for organising such a successful, worthwhile and thought provoking PTSD Conference... but sharing the journey that got you to this place and on the road ... so to speak.

Those who have not served who attended were witness to the most eloquent and ‘on the nose’ insight of a combat veteran but also descriptions and analysis of the "psyche" of a veteran / ex serviceperson. 

The only division in the conference was in the "moist eye department"!!  Some who had a tear in their eyes from being in the place we have been and a Brother to Brother empathy, and those with those with the same tear wanting desperately to assist and improve the Veteran’s lot.

Moving, touching anecdotes and some pearls of wisdom on various aspects from yourselves and the varied speakers made it for me, and for many others that I spoke to, one of the more meaningful and useful events that I have attended in this sector.

If anyone can get across the plights and issues that have faced, and do face ex-combatants and Veterans alike, in such a professional but relaxed, and at times humorous way, it is yourself and David. (D,Brother Veteran)


Just wanted to thank you for inviting us to your conference yesterday and to say what a thought provoking and engaging event it was (G and J, Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust)


Many congratulations to you both! It was great to see you at the conference. It was my pleasure to see you and I really enjoyed your presentations.  I am so very happy to see you develop your platform to project the Voice of Veterans.  (K, Department of Education, University of Bath)


Thank you for all your hard work making Mondays conference fabulous! (S, R.B.L.)


We would like to thank all the Conference Delegates
for making the day a special day

Aims of Veteran to Veteran (Turning It Around):

The aims of the workshops/seminars are to give professionals who support Veterans an insight into the world of the War Veteran and the Veteran; to give the War Veteran an insight into the world of the professionals who support them.  We believe that this will assist in developing a deeper relationships based on ‘visceral verstehen’ that will improve professional, and personal relationships, enhancing and improving the relationships between the Professional and War Veterans and their families.  This will be achieved through knowledge, challenging stereotypes and felt understanding. 

The unique series of workshops are written and presented by War Veterans for everyone involved in supporting our War Veterans and Veterans to find peace.  By supporting Veteran To Veteran (Turning It Around), you are supporting ALL Veterans.


Dr David Jackson is a former Royal Marine and during his service he served in Northern Ireland and went south with the Falklands War Task-Force.  After leaving the service he trained as a counsellor and life coach and has successfully worked to build up his private practice of 14 years counselling Veterans and their families.

He studied psychology with the Open University and graduated in 1995 with a BSc (Hons). In 2002 he completed his Masters degree in Counselling Studies at the University of East Anglia.  His dissertation was an auto-ethnographical narrative exploring his own experiences of living with his experiences of war and PTSD. 

In 2010 Dr David graduated from the University of Bristol after completing a Doctor of Education (D.ED.).  During this time he researched the cultural, historic and social narratives of War Veterans who suffer with PTSD from war related experiences.  His dissertation was called “Seven Days Down South: A War Story”, and used the medium of film and a multi modal approach, to represent the Narratives of War Veterans.  Dr David Jackson is an expert in the social and cultural aspects of War Veterans living in society.

Kevin Spruce joined the Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineers and during his service he served in Northern Ireland and went south with the Falklands War Task-Force.  Kevin was medically discharged form the Army in 1988.

He set up a Fine Arts Retail Company and bought properties to rent out to low income families.  He went on to study Business Studies at Plymouth Polytechnic (1988) and Durham University (1989). 

Kevin attended Keele University (1991-1995) graduating with BA with Honours in Psychology and African and Native American History and Literature. 

Kevin then qualified in P.A.C.E. and prison law (2001), and having developed a successful career as a Prison Law Supervisor, Kevin went back to Keele University to study Counselling Psychology for his MSc (2010), to counsel and assist Veterans and their families during the transition from a military culture to a civilian culture, due to his own experiences.

Kevin’s Masters dissertation, “Once a Soldier, Always a Soldier”, was a heuristic enquiry, with an interpretative phenomenological analysis, into his own transitional difficulties and that of other British and Foreign Armed Forces personnel.  Kevin’s ambition is to make Veterans aware of and believe in their true value and worth, he knows, through his own personal experience, that this is a difficult job. 

Kevin is an expert in the social and cultural difficulties that Veterans, and their families face pre-, during and post the transition in to civilian life.

Workshop Booking Form

Veteran To Veteran (Turning It Around)
Hardingswood House
Hardingswood Road

Delegates Name:                                                    Email Address:
Two Day Workshop: “Voice of A War Veteran” - 26th - 27th September 2013 at John Pound’s Centre

Unit Price
Full Fee (for the 2 days)

£ 160.00

Veteran Fee

£ 75.00

Veteran Organisation Fee

£ 75.00

Student Fee

£ 75.00


Methods of Payment
Cheque:  Made payable to “Veterans Counselling Service” and send to above address.
Bank Transfer:
To: Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-95-91
Acc Number: 29667268
Kind regards,
Dr David Jackson and Kevin Spruce
Co-directors Veteran To Veteran (Turning It Around)

Cancellation Fee Policy:

Cancellation 3 weeks before the event:                                                         Full Refund
Cancellation after 3 weeks and up to 1 week before the event                 Refund of fee - less 20% cancellation fee
Cancellation up to 7 days before event                                                          No Refund will be available

Delegates will receive a certificate of attendance.  However this is not a credit bearing course.  Confirmation of place at the workshop is by payment of fees only, and due to limited numbers will be on a first come first served basis.  Limited bursary places are available for unemployed Veterans and students in full time courses.  For a bursary consideration please email details of your situation along with contact details of a tutor who can verify your situation, or a copy of unemployment paperwork for consideration.  For more information:  Email:

Veteran To Veteran (Turning It Around) is covered by “Veterans Counselling Services’ public liability insurance and complies with current health and safety legislation.  Complaints policy are available on request.

For further information please email Kevin at

“Voice of a War Veteran”
2-day Workshop Programme

Day 1 - 26th September 2013

0900 - 0930                 Register and Welcome                                                David S.
0930 – 0940                Introduction                                                    Kevin
0940 – 1020                Interview with a War Veteran/discussion       Kevin
1020 – 1120                Stereotypes                                                                 David

1120 – 1140            Refreshment Break

1140 – 1240                Introduction to PTSD                                     Kevin
1240 – 1300                Discussion

1300 – 1400            Lunch (Provided)

1400 – 1500                Psychological/ Physical PTSD                                    Kevin

1500 – 1520            Refreshment Break

1520 – 1620                PTSD. What purpose?                                                David
1620 – 1630                Q and A session

End of Day One

Day 2 - 27th September 2013

0930 – 0940                Introduction                                                    Kevin
0940 – 1000                What is a war veteran?                                                Kevin
1000 – 1100                War Veteran Culture                                       David

1100  - 1120            Refreshment break

1120 – 1220                Assimilation/Acculturation                             Kevin
1220 – 1300                Family – Vicarious Trauma                             Kevin

1300 – 1445            Lunch

1345 – 1500                Three Days of Loss: a war story                     David

1500 – 1505            Refreshment break

1505 – 1600                Feeling the flatness                                         David
1600 – 1630                Round table discussion                                               Kevin

End of Workshop