Friday, 9 August 2013

The Shrapnel Lecture Larkhill

The RAHS would be happy to welcome guests from the Guild of Battlefield Guides to the Shrapnel Lecture Day in the Newcome Hall at Larkhill on Friday 25 October.  The availability of places is limited and, if the event is oversubscribed by the Royal Artillery, the Society reserves the right to cancel any places provisionally allocated.

The Shrapnel Lectures will concentrate on historical Gunner topics in the period 1800 to date.  The provisional programme for the day is below:

1000 - 1025
1030 - 1035
Maj Gen Nick Eeles – Chairman RAHT
1035 – 1100
Col Nick Lipscombe
Shrapnel's Shell - A Force Multiplier
1105 – 1130
Professor Bill Philpot
The First World War - an operational overview
1130 – 1155
1200 – 1225
Dr Jonathon Boff
Artillery in the 100 day campaign 1918
1230 – 1255
Maj Gen Jonathan Bailey PhD
Artillery technological change in the Great War
1300 - 1340
1345 - 1410
Dr Spenser Jones
Artillery tactics, myth or mayhem
1415 - 1440
Lessons from artillery on contemporary operations
1445 - 1510
1515 - 1540
Professor Gary Sheffield
The Importance of Remembering Correctly; Lessons of the First World War Centenary for the Army
1545 -1615
Lt Col James Cook - Chairman RAHS
Learning from our Regimental History
Q & A Panel

The going rate is £30 per head to include attendance at the lectures and a sandwich lunch.

Battlefield Guild members wishing to attend must forward to the RAHS Secretary by Friday 11 October 2013:
                    Names of those members attending.
                    Cheques for £30 per head payable to the RA Historical Society.
                    Car details (make, colour and VRN) or other travel arrangements

Lt Col R S Clayton
RAHS Secretary
10 Harnwood Road
Wiltshire SP2 8DD
01722 339335