Verdun Commemorations
Mike Sheil writes:
The French government will be starting its official
commemoration of the battle of Verdun at 1215 on Wednesday 24th February with
the opening of my exhibition Verdun 1916-2016 - Un siecle pour la paix. It will
be in the Champs Elysées between the Metro Station Ch. Elysées Clemenceau and
the Rond-Pont Marcel Dassault until 31 March and will then be re-opening in
Verdun for the month of May. Just like the previous exhibition in St James’s
Park in 2014 this is an outdoor exhibition of the battlefields of Verdun and
the Meuse department as they are today and it will be open 24/7 and free to
I am also delighted that for the first time I will be
staging an exhibition in Germany where it will open on March 8th in Berlin.
The City of London has also requested that I create a Somme
exhibition and this is booked to open in London on 1 June.
Guild Overseas Weekend
16th - 18th September - Dyle to the Escault
John Cotterill writes:
Details of the accommodation and costs for the weekend are
attached. They are also on the website.
Naseby Battlefield
Anthony Rich writes:
The Naseby Battlefield Project, who supported our AGM
Battlefield tour, are pressing forward with their plans to develop better
facilities at Naseby and in particular to fund and build a better Visitor
Centre. There is a survey, link below, that they have asked be filled in by as
many people as possible. Please can I invite all those involved with the Guild,
especially those who joined Chris & myself there, to be kind enough
to complete the very short 1 page survey through the link below? I expect they
would be especially interested in the thoughts of guides from outside the UK,
as well as UK opinion.
The link to the survey is
Guild Public Liability
Secretary writes:
The Guild Public Liability policy will be renewed shortly.
If you are interested in taking advantage of the very good rates that we get,
let me have an estimate of your guiding turnover for the coming year and I will
get a premium for you.
It is worth noting that this policy will not give you cover
if driving clients in your own vehicle - that involves a whole different set of
regulations and insurances. For futher details on what you need to do if you
want to drive clients about see
Verdun 1916 - Union Jack
Club (UJC) Thursday 25th February 2016
Bob Darby writes:
A talk by Guild member Mike Sheil. Mike will be
talking to members of the Union Jack Club, Waterloo using some of his stunning
photographs of the battlefield which he will be showing in Paris as
part of the French 100th anniversary commemorations the previous day. The talk
will start at 1830hrs for approx 1 hour. The cost to members will be £10.00
which includes a glass of wine. if you wish to attend and are not a UJC member
please book in through Bob Darby at
or call 07957 361434
Royal Picardy Hotel -
Somme Event 1st - 2nd April 2016
Secretary writes:
I have received the attached from the Royal Picrady Hotel
which wants to organise a Somme event on the 1st - 2nd April for interested
guides. This was origianly proposed for January but clashes with otr AGM. If
anyone is interested in attending please let me know.
The Battle of Kut, Launch
of a new 'Virtual' Military Museum and a Somme Football Match
Peter Caddick-Adams writes:
Attached is information about:
A new book by Patrick Cowley about the battle
for Kut in 1916
Details of the launch of a new virtual military
museum for the Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment, the ‘Tigers’
Details of a Somme commemoration football match
to be played at Guildford on the 1st July 2016
Weekly Update
Secretary writes:
The Update will be a couple of days late next week as I will
be on tour.
Best Regards
Tony Smith
Guild Secretary