Friday, 7 March 2014

Guild Update 21st February 2014

Guild Event - Newbury 9th - 10th May

Chris Scott writes:

Please register an interest before 1 March 2014.

Chris Scott will be running a Civil War Guild battlefield tour of the First Battle of Newbury 1643 at the Hilton Newbury Centre Hotel in early May.  There will be expert speakers talking on the tactics and story of the battle plus validation opportunities. With one overnight stay it is a cheaper event but you still get a 3 course dinner, a single room with all the amenities of a modern hotel, a full English breakfast and a conducted tour of the field of conflict all for just £130.  It is good value and as long as we get a core of Guild members booking we will invite our friends in the Battlefields Trust and the British Commission for Military History to join us.

To register an interest in attending and to receive details of the programme and a booking form please email Chris Scott on:

Planning a Battlefield Tour around Kabul?

Secretary writes:

A booklet that Dudley Giles put together on a battlefield tour around Kabul has appeared on the web (he doen's know who put it there!!). It may be of interest to members. You can find it at

The Waterloo Association

Suzanne Brunt writes:

The Waterloo Association is holding a weekend Symposium at The Queens College, Oxford University, Oxford  over the weekend of 27th and 28th September 2014. Non-members are now invited to join us.

To commemorate the outbreak of peace the Waterloo Association is holding a weekend study event in the wonderful venue of  The Queen’s College Oxford University on the above dates. We will look at key themes from the period and ask what had changed between 1793 and 1814. Subjects will include the changing face of Europe, the evolution of the British army, the royal navy, medical services, art and literature and the Duke of Wellington himself. We are very pleased that Professor Jeremy Black has agreed to present on the changing face of Europe.      

The event will commence on Saturday 27th September at 10.30 and will be held in the new purpose built lecture theatre in The Queen’s College. We anticipate to finish at 3pm on Sunday so attendees can make their way home at a reasonable time. Lunch and refreshments will be provided on both days as will accommodation in the College on the Saturday evening and breakfast on the Sunday morning. A drinks reception will take place on the Saturday evening followed by a dinner in the Hall of the College. Please note that most rooms in Queen’s are single en-suite.

The weekend is non-profit making at £210 per person. Send a cheque for £50 which is non-returnable as the College needs a firm booking.

Contact John Morewood, 65A Orchard Drive, Park Street, St Albans AL2 2QQ.

The Waterloo Association also has a Spring meeting at Kings College, The Strand, London on April 16th with a talk by Russ Foster.
There is also an Autumn meeting at Kings College on October 9th, with a talk by Gareth Glover.  More details of times to follow.


Paddy Earp writes:

I recently went to Nieuwpoort on the Channel Coast and went on a very interesting guided tour around the area with someone I had met at the WTM in November. All I knew about the place was that the Western Front started there and a local opened some sluice gates and flooded the area by letting the sea in, as the Germans approached! In actual fact it is possible to see lots of the trenches, gun sites and such like, which still survive(but inside a restricted military area, which one can gain access too sometimes with a local guide). It would be well worth a day trip visit and any members who are interested can contact me for details on contacts. Paddy Earp ->

A New Badged Guide

Secretary writes:

As members should now be aware - we have a new badged guide - Tim Stoneman has now achieved badge number 64. Well done Tim!

After the War Photos

Brian Fawcett writes:

These photos may be of interest, if not already seen -

A New Bletchley Park Guide

John Chapman writes:

Members may be interested to note that fellow Guild member Joe Hamon has now qualified as a Bletchley Park guide. Joe joined Bletchley Park in 2013. He also volunteers at IWM Duxford taking tours and talks.

BBC News

University of Manchester letters from WW1 trenches go on show -

Best Regards

Tony Smith
Guild Secretary