Friday, 28 March 2014

Guild Update 28th March 2014

Norwich Event & the London Lunch

Mike Peters writes:

Last weekend members had a choice of 2 excellent Guild events, in fact, some members managed to attend both. The first was a small but convivial London lunch run by Andy Thompson at the Union Jack Club. Thank you Andy for organising what was by all accounts great fun for those that attended. We can all look forward to the next London Lunch in October.

Over the same weekend we also had a full Guild weekend in Norwich, this event was planned and organised by Jo Hook. The weekend programme included the opportunity to validate, new member Nick Lipscombe presented and passed his Assignment 1 on Garcihernández. Allan Wood was successful on Assignments 5 & 6, he is now just a single assignment away from gaining his badge.

The Norwich programme included 2 city walks, the first was led by Rob Webb - bringing the events surrounding Kett's Rebellion of 1545 to life. We were also treated to a presentation on Zeppelins over Norfolk by Steve Smith. The programme also included time for members to visit some of Norwich's many book shops! On the Sunday morning Jo Hook led us all on a fascinating WW2 walk looking at the Baedeker raids that targeted Norwich in 1942. In summary a very productive and enjoyable Guild weekend in East Anglia. Thanks are due to those that made the effort to attend, to the validators, Christopher Newbould, Jo Hook and John Cotterill, and of course Jo for organising a really well balanced weekend of activities. Some of 'what they said' can be seen at

Guild Insurance 2014/15

Secretary writes:

I have had a number of requests for quotes for the Guild Public Liability insurance policy which starts again in April with a new cover of up to £5m. I will be getting premium quotes out to people very shortly. If you would like a quote and have not yet asked please send me details of your annual anticipated guiding turnover by Sunday 30th. Below is the list of people who have so far expressed interest and there are a number from last year who are not on it. Please therefore check to ensure your name is on it in case I’ve missed anyone:

Tim Pritchard -Barrett
Robin Burrow-Ellis
Frank De Planta
Paul Trickett
John Cotterill
Tony Coutts Britton
Peter Gascoyne Lockwood
Jonnie Walker
Martin Pelling
Duncan Barnes
John Hamill
Paul Oldfield
Richard Porter
Steve Chambers
Alan Leeson
Andy Johnson
James Scott Clarke
James Power
Terry Webb
Andy Thomson
Mike Peters
Ken Lees
Jo Hook
Mike Scott
Bob Brunsdon
Tony Smith

The Unveiling of the Welsh Memorial in Flanders

Ian Gumm writes:

At 3:00 pm on Saturday 16th August 2014 the new Welsh Memorial in Flanders will be unveiled on the Pilckem Ridge near Langemark in Belgium.  If you intend to be at the ceremony and will be arriving by coach please complete the attached proforma and email it to and so that the details can be recorded for use by our Belgium team.  This will greatly aid the organisers with the traffic plan and assist with the provision of parking

The Oldest War CWGC commemoration?

Tony Scott writes:

During the Norwich weekend I visited this the grave of George William Clements, he is buried under a CWGC headstone after dying during the Great War, he was 85 and served in the Crimea! I was wondering if any members know of an older CWGC commemoration? See -,%20GEORGE%20WILLIAM%20VALENTINE

Books for Sale

Chris Scott writes:

A friend of mine recently purchased several 'shelves' of military history books at a local well-known book auction house.  He was after some pretty rare American War of Independence volumes contained therein.  Having extracted those he does not want the rest - mostly WW1 and WW2 plus medal related stuff.  He is selling these off at very silly prices.  If you would like to see a list of what's on offer, drop me an email at and I will forward the request to him.  At the moment they are stacked in his study and he wants to get rid!

The Queen's Mutton Lancers

Adrian Ridley-Jones writes:

Members may recall a while ago there was mention of the war diaries about the Queen's Mutton Lancers in the Update.

I followed up on this because of their WW2 activities but it seems he only has the war diaries of WW1 on computer... (covering Messines Ridge, Hill 61 and Passchendaele) but wishes to publish the material and share any proceeds with their Regimental Association and SAAFA.  

Perhaps another guide focussing on WW1 would be interested in this material and furthering this... The gentleman concerned is Mr Skinner
email   is
phone 01778 393434

Royal Sussex Regiment searches for Family Ties

Ryan Gearing writes:

The Royal Sussex Regimental Association is currently working to seek any descendants of those that died, not only at Priez, France in September 1914, but those of the 257 officers and men that fell from this point to December 1914 with a view to including them in the new monument commemoration on the old battlefield this autumn.

Regimental Historian Col. Roderick Arnold explained, “Some interesting information has been found about the men on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website, in the Regimental archive at the West Sussex Record Office and at the National Army Museum in London. Contemporary publications and newspapers have also been researched. But it is not nearly a full picture. After 100 years, it is difficult to find the descendants of these very brave men that gave their lives and we are most dependent on the general public to help us identify them.”
The Association is currently fundraising to unveil a new Monument at Priez, France on 10th September 2014, where the county regiment suffered its first casualties one hundred years ago to the day. It will not only be a memorial to the 22 members of the Regiment that died that day, all of whom will be listed on it by name, but will also honour the memory inscribed in English and French of the 7,302 officers and men who died while serving in one of the Regiment’s twenty Battalions during the Great War.

If anyone has any relatives concerning service in the Royal Sussex Regiment in the Great War, the Association is asking for help. Please get in touch at or call Nigel Taggart on 01243 699881 if you have any information or photographs relating to the fallen.
In the coming year's research will be expanded to cover those that died in 1915 to 1919 as part of the Association's Centenary commemorations.

Donations relating to the monument can be made online at or by post with cheques/postal orders made out to “War Memorial Fund” and sent to: Mr B Hudson, 29 Henry Avenue, Littlehampton, BN16 2PA.
News and updates about the memorial project can be followed online at Twitter @RoyalSussexRegt or Facebook/royalsussexregiment

Possible 2015 Event

Secretary writes:

I am looking at the opportunity of developing a weekend tour of the Infantry Training Centre at Woolacombe in Devon in 2015. This site was used by the US to practice for the D Day landings and a significant amount of archaeology remains. For some further details see I have been in touch with the historian, Richard Bass, who has extensively researched the story of the centre and would be prepared to tell us the story and lead us around the site in "appropriate wartime American vehicles"!

I would be grateful if members might let me know whether they would be interested in such a weekend so that I may gauge the levels of interest and work up a full proposal.      

The Battlefields Trust AGM and Conference - Friday 4th – Sunday 6th April 2014

Frank Baldwin writes:

A joint conference between the Battlefields Trust and the Royal Armouries (Bury Theatre, Royal Armouries, Armouries Drive, Leeds, LS10 1LT) is to be held on Saturday 5th April 2014 on the best practice of battlefield conservation. To be followed by the Battlefields Trust’s Annual General Meeting at 4pm. Entry to the Royal Armouries is from 10am and to the AGM itself is free. Tickets to the conference, dinner and battlefield tours will be published separately. See

Saturday Evening. Battlefields Trust Dinner and awards.
On Friday 4 and Sunday 6 April there will a tour of local battlefields.

Guild members can attend this AGM of the Trust at preferential rates, paying only the same as Trust members.

Field of Battle Lands of Peace 14-18 Exhibition

Mike Shiel writes:

The Fields of Battle - Lands of Peace 14-18 exhibition will be at the Jardin du Luxembourg Rue de Medicis Paris from the 4th April to the 4th August. See

Normandy Recce 12th – 17th September 2014

Ian Mitchell writes:

I have put together an itinerary for the forthcoming Normandy recce which is attached. A number of people have already expressed an interest in attending. If any other members are interested in coming please can you let the secretary know asap as we will need to get accommodation booked.  

Roads to the Great War

John Greene writes:

Members may be interested to note this website It contains various articles on the Great War and can be subscribed to giving you e-mail updates on a regular basis.

BBC News

·         Soldiers killed during WW1 named via DNA from relatives -
·         Ceremony to commemorate 'The Great Escape' -
·         World War One: Skye's Band of Brothers -

Best Regards

Tony Smith
Guild Secretary

Friday, 21 March 2014

Guild Update 21st March 2014

New Members

Jo Hook writes:

We welcome the following new member into the Guild:

·         Robert Hina from Middlesex joins. His interests are Ancient, Dark Ages, Medieval inc. Hundred Years War, English Civil War, Marlburian Period, American Revolution, Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars Crimean War, American Civil War, Zulu and Boer Wars WW1 and WW2

Annual Membership fees

Jo Hook writes:

Yearly membership is due from 1st April.  Please send cheques for £75.00 made payable to Guild of Battlefield Guides Limited to Jo Hook at Quince Cottage, 5 West Church Street, Kenninghall, Norfolk NR16 2EN.  If paying by BACs directly to the Guild's bank account (details of which can be found on the website) please ensure you give a reference whereby you are easily identifiable as this will save Jo and the Treasurer hours of work trying to chase who has sent what.  If membership payments are not received by close of business by Thursday 17 April 2014 membership will be cancelled forthwith.

Guild Insurance

Secretary writes:

I have had a number of requests for quotes for the Guild Public Liability insurance policy which starts again in April. I will be getting premium quotes out to people shortly. If you would like a quote and have not yet asked please send me details of your annual anticipated guiding turnover by Sunday 23rd.

New Bastogne War Museum

John Greene writes:

Members may be interested to note that a new memorial centre dedicated to the Second World War and to the Battle of the Bulge, the Bastogne War Museum, is opening its doors to the public on March 22nd, 2014. Further details can be found at

Ulster Tower

Tonie & Valmai Holt write:

A couple of days ago we phoned the current custodians, Don and Maureen Mitchell, newly returned from their winter break in N. Ireland, only to be told they had decided they could no longer continue at the Tower and are leaving next week. However the Tower or visitor centre will not be closed at any point - Teddy & Phoebe Colligan have volunteered to go back out for April and May to allow the Somme Association to find replacements.

Sheriffmuir Atlantic Wall Assistance

Ran Shepherd writes:

Sheriffmuir, just outside Dunblane, has the remains of a D-Day, "dry-shod", training ground.  The site extends over an area of 400m x 600m and   includes bunkers, "Tobruck" shelter, anti-tk ditch, communication trench lines and an 87m stretch of "Atlantic" seawall. 

·         A commemoration event will be held on 6 Jun ‘14 and include guided walks around the site followed by a service at Dunblane Cathedral.
·         An exhibition will be run at the local museum.  Tony Pollard is leading on the archaeological research.  

The museum is keen to receive further assistance from someone who has a detailed knowledge of Normandy fortifications.  If anyone is in a position to assist, I would be grateful if they could e-mail me at

Somme Bike Tour - Space Available

Ian Hodkinson writes:

I am conducting my annual Tour during the subject dates - based at Dupres House in the village of Hardecourt aux Bois.  I have had a "fall down" and, as such, have a space available.  This is a private, not too technical tour based around the battle for the woods - High Wood, Bernafay Wood, Trones wood.  Day one is travelling with Day Two predominately High Wood and involves an all-day cycle ride from accommodation to start point - Dantzig Alley CWGC.  Day Three will b a long walk to take in Bernafay and Trones wood and Day Four return to UK.  ALL costs are shared - transport, fuel, ferry, accommodation, food (accommodation is self-catering and all to source own food to save disputes re cooking) and of course BEER!!

As stated, I have one place available on a first come first served basis. Any member who may be interested in joining us please could they contact me at All welcome but, as stated, this is a low level tour aimed at introduction to aspects of the Somme offensive.  The usual visits to Thiepval, Ulster Tower and Newfoundland Park will b included - on Day One en route to accommodation on the Sunday. A reasonable/good level of fitness is required and, of course, the ability to ride a bike and read a map !!

New Member Discount    

Secretary writes:

I have received the offer of a discount for Guild members from Samantha Wheeler of Rohan clothing:

We are aware of the Guild and the work you do, and are delighted to offer you a 15% discount off all Rohan branded Products, valid for a 12 month period from now, this discount will then be reviewed depending on popularity with your members

I have agreed with Sharon Hill, our Customer Services Manager that all Members of the Guild can obtain the discount when ordering by telephone, all your members need do is contact our customer services dept. on 0800 840 1412 stating that they are a Member of the Guild of Battlefield Guides and place their order, unfortunately we are unable to offer the discount in store or online.

I hope you and your members will enjoy taking full advantage of this offer. For details of the range see

Guide Request

I have received the following request for a guide. Can you let me know if you are interested:

I am organising a Classic Car Tour to Normandy next year and want an expert WW2 guide for a day. We are looking ideally for a French based expert.

New CWGC Resource

Mike Peters writes:

Members may be interested to note that The Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) has announced the launch of an exciting new education resource to help teachers engage students in the Centenary of the First World War.

Virtual Cemetery at  is an online, interactive tool for the classroom, and is packed with thought-provoking activities and lesson plans for Key Stage 2 and 3 pupils studying Citizenship, History and Religious Studies. Designed for use on an interactive whiteboard, the resource is also accessible through PCs and laptops.

The Unveiling of the Welsh Memorial in Flanders

Ian Gumm writes:

At 3:00 pm on Saturday 16th August 2014 the new Welsh Memorial in Flanders will be unveiled on the Pilckem Ridge near Langemark in Belgium.  If you intend to be at the ceremony and will be arriving by coach please complete the attached proforma and email it to and so that the details can be recorded for use by our Belgium team.  This will greatly aid the organisers with the traffic plan and assist with the provision of parking

Explosion in Ypres

We have received the following message from Simon Louagie at the Peace Village:

Just wanted to give you a head’s-up on the explosion of WW1 ammunition this afternoon (19th March at 1:20 am local time roughly). Builders were putting a new floor in a factory building in Ypres when a shell went off, killing two workers and badly wounding at least two others. The explosion took place in Oostkaai which is one km from Essex Farm and less than one km from Yorkshire Trench which are both frequented with school groups. The area has been sealed off and bomb disposal is on its way. We know if at least one tour bus that has been diverted from the area. There should be no more immediate danger. It does not appear to have been a gas shell. We just wanted to keep you posted on this as I’m sure many teachers will be worried at the moment. We’ve already got a phone call from one concerned teacher who heard it from a few locals. So once again, no immediate danger anymore but some worried teachers. We just got word that the husband of one of our neighbours might be involved. Here’s the first photo:

The clearing of the gas shells discovered last month at Passchendaele (some 400 we hear) is still underway. The area between Moorslede and Passchendaele is likely to be sealed off for another few weeks.

And finally, may we stress that you pass on the information on the Iron Harvest to all your groups. Not a week goes by when a teacher walks through the door carrying a live shell, boasting about it to our staff.
People carrying live ammunition are likely to get fined. We have in the past refuse entry to a group leader on this account. And I’m now not mentioning the dangers it involves for the pupils of course. Accidents happen on a yearly basis.
We as locals are still afraid of the stuff so we recommend all groups not to buy any souvenirs of the kind from shops or farmers and certainly not to pick up any lying around on the fields or on the side of roads. Even the experts don’t recognize all the different types of bombs and shells used during the war. The Belgian bomb disposal, with whom we have very good relations, are always happy to come and give a (child friendly) lecture on the subject at the hostel for resident groups.

Menin Gate Evening Closures and coach parking arrangements

Brian Fawcett writes:

Members may be interested to read about the new Menin Gate road closure procedures and additional coach parking information - see

Battlefields Trust Annual Conference at The Royal Armouries in Leeds, 4th to 6th April

James Dinsdale writes:

Members of the Guild are invited to attend the Battlefields Trust Conference at The Royal Armouries in Leeds on the weekend 4th to 6th April. The fee for non-Trust members attending is be waived for Guild Members. The weekend has many prestigious speakers and quite a few Battlefield walks. The booking sheet and conference programme can be found at

Saturday 29th March. First validation no 1 in Dutch

Wybo Boersma writes:

Candidate:  Joël Stoffels
Place: Airborne Museum Hartenstein in Oosterbeek.
Time:  13.30 hours
All members welcome.
The language is Dutch!

Best Regards

Tony Smith
Guild Secretary

Guild Update 14th March 2014

Normandy 70 News

Rod Bedford writes:

The Bayeux Cathedral event is limited by ticket to 800, this is due to the normal rules of safety and evacuation procedures. Veterans and Carers have priority on ticket allocation. Bayeux Cemetery will have Royal attendance, the event has a capacity of 8000, in 2006 for the 60th, there was room for all plus some.

HM will be at the international event at Sword beach as will many other heads of states, veteran and carers have priory for tickets, there are 3000 seats and 5000 standing, this is of course for all nations. Veterans on coaches will be escorted by Police from Bayeux and Caen, members of the public on coaches and private cars will be directed to a holding area on the ring road of Caen, coaches with their passengers once accredited and security checks completed will then proceed to the International event, car passengers will leave their cars and be taken by coach to and from the international event, the turnaround time from pick up to drop off will be about Seven (7) hours.

Those going on to the Event at Arromanches at 1800hrs will be able to relax for a while at Bayeux Cemetery where information from the CWGC and RBL will available.

All will require accreditation to enter the Normandy area as specified by the French Authorities, you will also need to apply for tickets for each of the events you wish to attend.

Below are the links to register attendance and apply for accreditation and passes.

Best advice apply early, give yourself plenty of time between events, take water snacks rain and sun protection, no point getting frustrated with security and those giving directions because you over committed yourself to events with time and miles between.

Due to the high profile nature of D-Day 70 there will be security restrictions in place in Normandy and accreditation is required for many of the events during the anniversary period. Therefore we ask you contact us by 16 March to allow time for us to send you the paperwork you will need to enter the sites you wish to visit.

If you are, or know of, a veteran planning to travel to Normandy for 6 June 2014 please contact us in writing either by email at or write to 'D-Day 70', The Royal British Legion, Haig House, 199 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1AA.  

Family Tree Magazine

Secretary writes:

Members may be interested to note that Mike Peters has produced a piece for this month's 'Family Tree' magazine - His article discusses battlefield touring and promotes the Guild heavily - good publicity for us!

Newbury Event

Chris Scott writes:

I'm sorry to say that I did not get sufficient interest expressed in the Newbury event to make it financially viable, even with every person who did so actually committing to attend.
I have therefore very reluctantly cancelled it.

Thanks for your support.

UJC London Lunch 21st March

Secretary writes:

London Lunch Friday March 21st  Union Jack Club Sandell Street

Bookings still being taken! If you are available and want to meet other interesting people please email Andy Thompson for details.

BBC News

·         Ebbw Vale plaque honour WW1 soldier John Henry Williams -
·         Why the Great War still fascinates the young -
·         WW1 dead to be reburied 100 years on -
·         World War One: Family stories uncovered -
·         Sussex dustman saved rare WW1 photographs -

Best Regards

Tony Smith
Guild Secretary