Friday, 3 January 2014

Guild Update 3rd January 2014

New Member

Jo Hook writes:

We welcome the following new member into the Guild:

·         Myriam Thompson from Ligny Thilloy France joins. Her interests are WW1

Sources of Information

Bruce Littley writes:

Another source of information with some good information and records in the databases:

And free books on the net!:

Prelude to War Event Deepcut Saturday 8th February 2014

Alison Hine writes:

The first Guild event of 2014 will be focussed on the lead-up to the First World War.  Many Guides will be taking tours later this year to mark the Centenary of the outbreak of the War and the aim of this event is to provide background information on the state and ethos of Britain's Armed Forces in August 1914 as well as the latest thinking on the origins of the War.   Topics to be covered are:  Gary Sheffield 'The Origins of the First World War: a briefing on current academic debates'; Christopher Newbould 'Reform of the British Army following the Boer War - doctrine, ethos and the changes in training and tactics between 1902-1914; Andy Robertshaw 'The British Infantryman  in 1914 - his uniform, kit and weaponry in comparison with his German opponent'; Peter Hodgkinson 'The Battalion Commanders of 1914'; Vern Littley 'Artillery in 1914'; Tim Stoneman - The Royal Navy in 1914; and Chris Finn 'The Royal Flying Corps in 1914'. The event will be held at the RLC Museum, Deepcut, Surrey on Saturday 8 February, 9.30am - 4.30pm, and refreshments and lunch will be provided.  A detailed programme will be put on the website shortly.  The cost of the day will depend on the numbers attending but will cost at the most £30 per head, lunch inclusive and payable on arrival.   Anyone wishing to attend the event is requested to contact either Tony Smith or Alison Hine ( as soon as possible.  Numbers are limited to a maximum of 50 and the deadline for bookings is Friday 31 January 2014.

Operation Neptune Battlefield Recce - British and Canadian Sectors September 2014

Ian Mitchell writes:

As Mike Peters highlighted in his Chairman’s New Year’s message this coming June will see the 70th anniversary celebrations of the D Day landings.  As most you will know – in 2013 the Guild ran a successful Battlefield recce which covered the American D Day landings and subsequent operations. 
Given this background it is proposed to undertake a Guild Battlefield recce lasting 5-6 days over a weekend in September 2014 which focuses on the British and Canadian operations on D Day codenamed - Operation NEPTUNE.  The event will take those who attend to view a range of possible stands for the seaborne landings on GOLD, JUNO and SWORD beaches and also the airborne landings to the east of those beaches.    

It is important to stress that this event is not a battlefield tour but is designed support the development of a guide’s ability to plan and execute battlefield tours on the D day landings in the British and Canadian sector.   To this end the recce will thus adopt the tried and trusted formula of requiring active involvement by all participants in researching, planning and conducting specific part of the recce albeit within a clear framework provided by experienced battlefield recce leaders. 

Although the much time will be devoted to visiting a range of possible land based stands that can be used to help tell the story of D day there will also be opportunities for guides to learn more about the air, naval, intelligence and deception operations linked to Operation NEPTUNE. 
Despite running 2 previous events to Normandy in 2013 and 2012, Guild Secretary Tony Smith and Ian Mitchell have proved to be suckers for punishment as they have volunteered once again to plan and run this recce.   A detailed 3 page outline of the tour will be produced over the next 6-8 weeks but the overall plan is for an event conducted provisionally from the 12th - 17th September.

Tony and Ian have asked that Guild members who might wish to attend such a recce express their interest by e mailing Tony ( by 30 January so he and I can assess demand and do preliminary planning.  

Ramsgate celebrates the 75th Anniversary of Op Dynamo

Paddy Earp writes:

It might interest members that in 2015, Ramsgate is celebrating the 75th anniversary of Operation Dynamo over 20th – 25th May and I am on the management committee.  Great things are planned between Dunkirk & Ramsgate.

For more information please write to Paddy at

Updates on the Guild Website

Secretary writes:

As requested at the AGM I am now putting copies of the weekly Updates on the Guild website under Guild News.

BBC News

Items for the BBC website which may be of interest include:

·         Harrogate Town AFC in appeal for WWI squad descendants -
·         Deserted Salisbury Plain village of Imber opened to public -
·         Staffordshire Regiment memorial fundraising campaign starts -
·         Son fits QR code on war hero father's gravestone -