I have just returned from the very successful Guild
validation session at the Army Medical Services Museum. What an enjoyable and
educational day all round, well done to Alison Hine and the VT for organising
the day and keeping us all on the straight and narrow.
The standard of assignments was very good and I was pleased
to see so many passes attained by our intrepid candidates. Congratulations are due
to Craig Hallam-Baker for his Assignment 1 presentation on Flodden 1513,
hopefully Clive has made back to the borders by now? Well done to Bob Shaw for
his gripping presentation on the battle for Mount Longdon 1982, and to Ron
Lyons who advanced the Australian banner in the Guild with his Assignment 1 on
Bullecourt 1917. So we now have three new candidates on the validation
trail - don't hang about chaps, go for your badges!
Assignment 5 - Problems on Tour, produced
another clutch of strong passes from John Hamill, Ray Wilkinson, Adam
Williams, and Tony Smith. The latter two also produced two very good Normandy
based Assignment 6 sessions to secure a double whammy each...can they get their
remaining assignments done by the AGM? It was pleasing to see a healthy number
of new members in attendance, all watching and learning from their peers.
Overall it was a thoroughly good day rounded off with a pub
lunch in a beer garden (picture on twitter @GuildofBG) - what's not to
Hopefully we will see some of today's candidates collecting
the coveted red badge in November at Bromsgrove.
Members gathered at a local pub after the event.