A little while ago a lorry crashed through the barrier on the N37 where it crosses the A19 (the road that runs North/South from Ypres to Zonnebeke) and a large section of the road is now ‘MISSING’. Cones have been put round the damage with ‘new’ road markings to re-direct the traffic. However in the dark it may be difficult to see, so caution should be shown. See the sketch Sketch map above
The Memorial Museum, Passchensaele 1917 at Zonnebeke is undergoing considerable work and has a lot of large earth moving vehicles on site in the car parking area.
The N365 running from Ploegsteert to Mesen is undergoing extensive road-works and is reduced to one lane controlled by traffic lights.
Any tour of the Ypres Salient is likely to be disrupted at some stage by these 'works'.