Friday, 24 October 2014

Guild Update 24th October 2014

New Members

Jo Hook writes:

We are pleased to welcome the following new members into the Guild:

·         Neil Pudney from Leatherhead joins. His interests are WW1 Somme Ypres
·         Paul Stevenson from Tiverton Devon joins. His interests are WW1 Ypres & Somme 63 Naval Division
·         John Marr from Inverness Scotland joins. His interests are WW1 and WW2
·         Giles Guthrie from Faversham Kent joins. His interests are History from Ground up
·         Martin Chandler from Eastbourne E. Sussex joins. His interests are Normandy 1944

Somme Validation Event 30th January 2015

Secretary writes:

It has now been agreed that a Validation event will take place on the Somme on January 30th. The venue wil be confirmed asap. If you would like to undertake an assignment 1, 5 or 6 at this event please contact Alison Hine    

Remote Validation Trial

Mike Peters writes:

The Validation Team is pleased to report a successful trial of remote validation techniques using Skype as a bearer system. The VT have successfully completed validation of an Assignment 1 for Guild Member Todd Fisher in the USA. Not only was the trial a success but Todd also passed his assignment. It is intended to make further use of Skype for international candidates. Members should note that this technique will be employed on an occasional basis and will be the exception rather than the rule. Further information will be promulgated by the Director of Validation at the AGM.

AGM - Presentation by Guild President Prof Gary Sheffield

Mike Peters writes

The programme for the AGM is still being finalised, members may however be interested to know that our President is speaking on matters related to Battlefield Guiding. Gary has agreed to talk about the challenges of fashioning a narrative that blends good old fashioned, engaging story telling with the presentation of solid historical fact. It promises to be an interesting presentation.

Guild AGM

Secretary writes:

To date the following members have indicated that they will be coming to the AGM:

Vivienne Whelpton
Mike Scott
Tony Smith
Mike Peters
Chris Finn
David Harvey
John Greene
Paul Oldfield
Wybo Boersma
Willem Kleijn
Carlo Larosa
Chris Scott
Glen Hearnden
Bob Brunsdon
John Cotterill
Alan Wood
John Pratt
Terry Webb
Andy Johnson
Tim Stoneman
Tony Coutts Britton
Ray Wilkinson
Andy Thompson
James Porter
Alain Chissel
Mike Mizen
Christopher Newbould
Stuart Barltrop
Tim Pritchard Barrett
Alison Pritchard Barrett
Brian Shaw
John Hamill
Major & Mrs Holt
Tom Dormer
Andrew Duff
John Chapman
Simon Bendry
Gordon Hill
Kirk Drew
John Coppen
Anthony Rich

If you would like to attend please get your requirements back to me asap as spaces are filling up fast.

AGM Validations

Alison Hine writes:

The following candidates have asked to be validated at the AGM:

·         Assignment 1: Anthony Rich, Chris Nation
·         Assignment 5: Viv Whelpton, Glen Hearnden, James Porter, Joel Stoppels
·         Assignment 6: Carlo Larosa, Viv Whelpton, James Porter, Joel Stoppels

If anyone has been omitted from this list, please would they let Alison Hine know as soon as possible.  Anyone else wishing to validate in November should contact Alison by 7  November.   New Validation email address:

Will Townend Award

Secretary writes:

All members will by now have received details of the Will Townend Award which honours the memory of the late Will Townend, in particular his willingness to share his extensive technical knowledge of Artillery and his wider knowledge of battlefields in general with his fellow Battlefield Guides.
It is also intended that those nominated for the award will be recognised as selfless members of the GBG who freely and unselfishly share their knowledge with their peers.

I have received a few nominations to date. Would all members consider who they would like to nominate for the award and send them to me as soon as possible please?

New CWGC App

Glenn Hearnden writes:

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission has today made its brand new CWGC War Graves App freely available for smartphone and tablet users to download from

With the new App you can find directions to cemeteries or use the ‘near me’ function to see what sites are in your vicinity – never before has it been easier to find these places of remembrance locally and internationally.”
The app, which can be downloaded for free on Windows, Android and Apple  phones and other mobile devices (tablets), allows users to:

·         Discover war graves at former battlefields across the globe
·         Find war graves close to where you live
·         Download and navigate to your chosen war grave site

New Badged Guide

Secretary writes:

As members should be aware I am pleased to announce that we have another new Badged Guide – John Pratt has just successfully completed his final assignment and is awarded Badge number 67.

New Battlefield History TV DVDs

Tim Saunders writes:

A couple of new DVD releases from BHTV; the fourth film in the 1914 series covers the’ Battles of the Marne and the Aisne’, in which members of the Guild follow the change of fortune for the BEF from Retreat to the offensive taking part in Joffre’s advance into the lightly guarded German flank which led to the Battle of the Marne and culminated on the Aisne where the British attacked the dug-in Germans on the Chemin des Dames. Checked by modern quick-firing artillery and machine guns, Field Marshal French ordered the BEF to dig-in; trench warfare had started to set in.

The second release in the Peninsula Collection; ‘The 95th Rifles 1812 to the Pyrenees’. This film covers the aftermath of Battle of Salamanca, namely the liberation of Madrid, another nightmare withdrawal to the Portuguese frontier and winter quarters.  From there we follow the Rifles lightening march across Spain, examining actions against the retreating King Joseph and his French Army, as they headed back towards  northern Spain, fights that led to a climax at the great Battle of Vitoria. Here the Rifles plaid a key part in unhinging the French defensive position and setting up the victory that saw the French heading back to the Pyrenees Mountains, while some lucky Riflemen filled their pockets with loot.
The battles in the mountains and the and the Siege of San Sebastian culminated with the Light Division attacking and breaking through Marshal Ney’s defensive  line high on the Rhune Mountain on the border of France itself.

The Christmas Truce and Sainsbury's

Secretary writes:

Members may be interested to note that the Sainsbury’s Christmas ad will feature the Christmas Truce football match. Comment can be seen here

Badged Guides Directory

Secretary writes:

Could all badged guides please look at the badged guide tour directory at You will see that this is well out of date. Please can all badged guides update this and let me have the new details. As the list currently finishes at badge 51 (!) please could all those guides post 51 let me have the details that they would like put up.

WW2 Aircraft

Dennis Weatherall writes:

Members may be interested to read this article about a collection of WW2 aircraft in America - see

Independent Article

Secretary writes:

members may be interested to read an article published in the Independent which discusses the First World War Centenary Battlefield Tours Programme see

BBC News

·         Viewpoint: How WW1 changed aviation forever -
·         Brighton Pavilion wreath ceremony remembers Indian troops -
·         Camelford erects granite poppy to mark World War One -
·         Last WW1 Gallipoli ship HMS M33 to open to public -
·         Memorial Arboretum Land Girls monument to be unveiled after three-year fundraising campaign -
·         Pte William Butterworth: Military reburial for WW1 soldier -
·         'Hail of bullets' VC hero Pte Henry May honoured -

Best Regards

Tony Smith
Guild Secretary

Guild Update 17th October 2014

World War One -The Writers' War

Roger Emmerson writes:

Members may be interested in this book:

'When I come home and leave behind Dark things I would not call to mind ...’ wrote Leslie Coulson, one of the many soldiers who tried to express his wartime experiences in writing: dreaming of an idyllic England in the face of the horror of the Western Front.
Coulson was one of the hundreds of thousands who did not come home – but because of his poetry we glimpse something of his thoughts and experiences.

Today we can be grateful that so many of those who endured the First World War did write about it: giving us an unmatched view of an event which would otherwise be completely beyond our ability to imagine. The Writers’ War is a collection of excerpts from outstanding accounts of the First World War. It provides an essential insight to anyone interested in modern history or early twentieth-century literature.

Extraordinary extracts bring the human experience of war brilliantly to life – from the terror of bombardment, or the camaraderie of military service, to the home front.
The writing reflects an enormous range of nationalities and personalities. It includes memorable poetry, fiction, and journalism. Some great names of modern English literature appear, such as Arthur Conan Doyle, D. H. Lawrence and Rudyard Kipling. In addition, there are superb accounts by foreign authors such as novelists Edith Wharton and Henri Barbusse, and flying ace Manfred von Richthofen.

The Writers’ War edited by Felicity Trotman gives an unparalleled insight into a world-changing event, and what it meant in human terms both to the writers and millions of others caught up in it.

London Lunch Friday Dec 5th UJC

Andy Thompson writes:

There are now only 15 places left and thus a third call to members to sign up. After the weekend I plan to extend the invitation to trade delegates and coach companies.

If you would like to attend please contact Andy at

Overseas members attending the AGM

Andy Thompson writes:

If any overseas members are flying into the UK for the AGM and want help with transport from the airport to the conference centre they can contact me and I will work with the secretary to find UK based attendees who may be able to help. I am meeting Carlo Larosa at Gatwick at 12:50 on Friday 21st and have spare spaces in my car if this helps in any way. We can deviate via Heathrow on our way north and will return to Gatwick on Sunday afternoon for the evening outbound flight. Any UK members who may be able by diverting to a local airport en route to Birmingham should also contact me. The cost of flying into the AGM is an extra for overseas members and thus anything we can do to help reduce their costs would be welcomed.

Please contact Andy at

WFA London Branch

Neil Bright writes:

On 10 November we hold a remembrance event at Victoria Station in the evening to commemorate the Unknown Warrior being brought into the station prior to being to laid to rest at Westminster Abbey
It is quite a simple event lasting around 1/2 hour.

There around 15 wreath layers. I thought with my hand in both the Guild and WFA camps it would be great to have a Guild member lay a wreath on behalf of the Guild.

If any member would like to volunteer please contact Neil at

Guild AGM

Secretary writes:

To date the following members have indicated that they will be coming to the AGM:

Vivienne Whelpton
Mike Scott
Tony Smith
Mike Peters
Chris Finn
David Harvey
John Greene
Paul Oldfield
Wybo Boersma
Willem Kleijn
Carlo Larosa
Chris Scott
Glen Hearnden
Bob Brunsdon
John Cotterill
Alan Wood
John Pratt
Terry Webb
Andy Johnson
Tim Stoneman
Tony Coutts Britton
Tim Saunders

If you would like to attend please get your requirements back to me asap

Will Townend Award

Secretary writes:

All members will by now have received details of the Will Townend Award which honours the memory of the late Will Townend, in particular his willingness to share his extensive technical knowledge of Artillery and his wider knowledge of battlefields in general with his fellow Battlefield Guides.
It is also intended that those nominated for the award will be recognised as selfless members of the GBG who freely and unselfishly share their knowledge with their peers.

I have received a few nominations to date. Would all members consider who they would like to nominate for the award and send them to me as soon as possible please?

Validations at the AGM

Alison Hine writes:

Please will those that would like to attempt assignments 1, 5 or 6 at the AGM weekend and have not yet let me know, to contact me by 30th October at

Best Regards

Tony Smith
Guild Secretary

Guild Update 10th October 2014

A New Guild Fellow

Secretary writes:

The Guild Council is very pleased to announce that Dr Chris Scott has now met all the requirements to become a Fellow of the Guild and from now joins that elite group!

Congratulations Chris! 

Will Townend Award

Secretary writes:

All members will by now have received details of the Will Townend Award which honours the memory of the late Will Townend, in particular his willingness to share his extensive technical knowledge of Artillery and his wider knowledge of battlefields in general with his fellow Battlefield Guides.
It is also intended that those nominated for the award will be recognised as selfless members of the GBG who freely and unselfishly share their knowledge with their peers.

I have received a few nominations to date. Would all members consider who they would like to nominate for the award and send them to me as soon as possible please?

Annual General Meeting of the Guild of Battlefield Guides 2014

Mike Peters writes:

Members should have received application forms for this year’s AGM which will take place at Bromsgrove over the weekend 21-23 Nov 14. The programme for the event is coming to ether and should be firm by the end of this month. We will of course have our usual core business in the form of the AGM itself and the usual validation sessions. This year we have an exciting array of speakers and presentations including, our Patron Lord Faulkner, our President Prof Gary Sheffield who will be entering the minefield of academia vs story telling on battlefield tours. We also have Joel Stoppels and Willem Klein looking at how social media can help Battlefield Guides in the market place, a look at technology with the Linesman team and an overview of the FWW Centenary and Waterloo 200 from the Belgian Tourist Board. There are a number of other speakers, details to follow in the coming weeks. We have also invited our Guild Partners to attend the weekend, this is an ideal opportunity for active Battlefield Guides to meet them and get to know some of the major Tour Operators.

Members should be aware that the event is primarily for Guild members, if they wish to bring guests they will only be allowed to attend once all members have been accommodated. Please submit your attendance pro-forma and payment to Tony Smith as soon as you can. I also urge you all to submit a nomination for the Will Townend Award. I look forward to seeing you all in Bromsgrove!

Validations at the AGM

Alison Hine writes:

Please will those that would like to attempt assignments 1, 5 or 6 at the AGM weekend and have not yet let me know, to contact me by 30th October at

Members Contact Details Update

Secretary writes:

We have all had a very busy year, many members have shifted locations or changed internet providers etc. Recent communication problems have highlighted the fact that many members have not updated their contact information with the Membership Secretary. If you have moved house, changed phone number or internet provider you need to let us know via the Membership Secretary Jo Hook - email: We are about to go to print on the next issue of Despatches, please update your details before 30 Oct 14.

London Lunch Friday December 5th - Union Jack Club

Andy Thompson writes:

There is good news and bad news about the next London Lunch. The good news is that 40 great and good have already signed up, the bad news is that this only leaves 20 places remaining. Given the number of guild members who have suggested that they plan to attend some could be disappointed if they don’t confirm attendance before the end of October.

Please contact Andy Thompson if you want to be added to the roll.

New Book

Jean-Michel Verannerman writes:

Members may be interested to note that my new book 'Belgium in the Second World War' has now been released for sale by Pen & Sword. See

Copies of Despatches

Secretary writes:

A number of members have told me that they have not received a copy of the latest Despatches magazine. There is a slight delay at the moment as the spare copies have not been received back from the printer yet (UPS cannot find my house it seems!). As soon as I get them I will post on the missing copies to each member.

The Next Issue of Despatches

Secretary writes:

The next edition of Despatches is about to go into print and we are in need of some images of members out and about working on the battlefields. Battlefield Guides are not normally considered shy or retiring…send us your high-res (1MB) images please in JPEG format.

Please send anything you have to me at

Help Wanted

Nicky Bird writes:

I have a group of 29 (based at Camberley) going to Ypres and the Somme next year (2 days, one night only). We will be taking the ferry. I have a driver but no coach. Does anyone know of a coach hire company that can provide a coach for 30 without a driver? Or, if that is impossible, a good reliable firm that is reasonably priced. I have got some silly prices thus far.

If you can help or advise Nicky please contact him at

Search on for three WWII aircraft in Manipur lake

Rajeshwor Yumnam writes:

Members may be interested to know that I am working on three crash sites in Manipur presently. Some details can be found in this article:

Online WW1 courses at the University of Leeds

Secretary writes:

I have received the following note from the University of Leeeds which may be of interest to members:

The University of Leeds has teamed up with the BBC to deliver a free online course on ‘World War 1: changing faces of heroism’. This short course looks at how the war moved us away from traditional views of heroism and created new kinds of heroes and heroines and the legacy this has left us with today.

World War 1 has had a significant impact on our lives and culture in ways we might not expect. Uniquely, this interactive online course explores heroism from British, French and German perspectives.

Led by Professor Alison Fell, the course starts on 27 October and runs for three weeks. Requiring just 4 hours of study a week, this course includes videos, interactive activities and discussion sessions for sharing ideas and building networks. The format is ideal for those who are working or have other commitments. 

I would be really grateful if you could share this email with anyone who might be interested through your website or social media. I have attached a course flyer that you can print out to display or freely distribute.

You can view a short video about the course and sign up at or find out more about online courses at the University of Leeds by visiting our website

Napoleonic Events

Suzanne Brunt writes:

Members may be interested to note the following upcoming Napoleonic events:

''Napoleon's Last Stand : 100 Days in 100 Objects''
This will be a Virtual Exhibition launched on this website, by a team at the University of Warwick.   It will start on February 25th 2015 and will cover the time from Napoleon's exile on Elba, until his departure to St Helena, ending in August 2015.Every day a new entry, an object and a commentary will be posted.
Outline submissions of objects for inclusion should be submitted by the end of October 2014.
Contact the team members

There is a large porch at this church which holds a magnificent set of memorials to the British fallen in the Pyrenees Campaign. It also has excellent wrought iron gates with symbols of the UK, which are badly in need of restoration. There is a possibility of some funding from the NAM, but the project will need local help in Biarritz. If you know of any individuals or organisations who could help, please contact Willie Mahon on

11 October  Lines of Torres Vedras   Portugal
day of walks along the Lines   The Tenth Marcha dos Fortes.

12th October  Lord Hills Column in Shrewsbury.
will be open for visitors to climb 12.00-15.00
booking essential

15 + 16 October  FBC Symposium at Castle Hedingham, Suffolk.  01787 880445

16 October  Army and Navy Club, 36 Pall Mall, SW1Y 5JN
20.00  Andrew Roberts speaks on 'Napoleon the Great' book by 13th  on 020 7730 0717

17-19th October   Leipzig recreations.

18+19th October  Landguard Fort, Viewpoint Rd, Felixstowe  IP11 3TW
95th re-enacting weekend.

18+19th October  Tarifa recreation weekend,  Spain.

21st October   Apsley House, London  W1J 7NT
1700-2100 an evening with Bernard Cornwell.  £100
book on 0870 333 1183 in office hours. includes copy of new book:
Waterloo: the history of 4 days, 3 armies, and 3 battles.

22nd October  Turner Simms Concert Hall, Highfield Campus, University Rd, Southampton SO17 1BJ
17.30-20.00  free entry  The 26th Wellington Lecture by Professor Brendan Simms.

 30th October   Austin Court, 80 Cambridge Close, close to the Library of Birmingham
Jenny Uglow speaks on Life in Britain during the Napoleonic Wars.
£10 book by 20th,

31 October    Royal Gunpowder Mills, Beaulieu Drive, Waltham Abbey  EN9 1JY
18.00 - 20.30  Haunted Mills Event     01992 707370
The Gunpowder Mills will then close until the new season in April 2015
However, there is a strong possibility that the Gunpowder Mills will permanently close.

05 November  RE Barracks Brompton, Chatham Kent
17.30 Talk on Sir Richard Fletcher with optional dinner at £10 per head.
For more information to book before end of October contact

11 November  British Cemetery  Elvas Portugal.
11.00 annual service of remembrance in the cemetery.
29  November  annual Bazaar in Praca d Sancho II  from early morning.

15th November  Shorncliffe Lectures, Tower Theatre, North Rd, Folkestone CT20 3HL
09.30-16.30 £20   day of lectures with Nick Parker, Charles Esdaile and Andrew Morgan

22nd November  St Georges Centre, Dock Road, Chatham ME4 4UH
11.00 Service of remembrance for P-O-W's who were buried in Chatham. Organised by followed by a tour of Fort Amherst with The Friends of Norman Cross who are coming down from Norman Cross for the day,
for places contact 01733 245663

Richard III and Bosworth 1485

Frank Baldwin writes:

Professor Anne Curry
A lecture and sandwich lunch
12.30-2.00pm Wednesday 29 October 2014
Hosted by The Fusiliers Museum London in the Officer's Mess of The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers HM Tower of London

The rediscovery of the battlefield of Bosworth, lost for hundreds of years is a great story involving four years of painstaking archaeology and analysis drawing on the interpretation of the landscape and historic sources. The rediscovery of King Richard III's body in the last year has further added to the picture of the events of 1485.

Professor Anne Curry is Dean of Humanities at the University of Southampton. She was the leading historian on the Project to rediscover the Battlefield of Bosworth and co-author of Bosworth 1485 The Battlefield Rediscovered, the peer reviewed report on the project.
Our hosts will be the Fusiliers Museum and the event includes a sandwich lunch, a glass of wine and the opportunity to network in the exclusive surroundings of the Fusiliers Mess in HM Tower of London.

If you would like to attend this lunchtime talk, please make a donation of £25 for each attendee (£20 for members of the Battlefields Trust) by clicking on 'Booking' to the right. Then please email your name, contact number and any special requirements (dietary/mobility) to On receipt, email confirmation will be sent together with directions to the venue. If you have any questions, please ring 0207 387 6620. We look forward to welcoming you.

In order for you to receive a pass allowing you access to the venue in the  Royal Regiment of Fusiliers building inside the Tower of London and to be included in the catering, you must book at least 48 hours before the event.

WW1 in Wales

Secretary writes:

I have received the following note regarding the commemoration of WW1 in Wales which may be of interest to members:

In July 2014, Cymru’n Cofio Wales Remembers 1914-1918 published Programme 2014 the first in a series of annual publications which detail the First World War Centenary commemorative events taking place in Wales or further afield if relevant to Wales. It also contained in-depth articles about various commemorative events and projects. To see the Cymru’n Cofio Wales Remembers 1914-1918 Programme 2014 click here [].

We are currently working on Programme 2015 and this message is an appeal for images and events which could be displayed in the publication.


We would like to display unique and interesting images in the publication, especially if there is a Welsh connection. We would be grateful to receive any images relating to the First World War, but particularly relating to the following events or topics:

•             related to events throughout 1915, a timeline can be found here []
•             The Gallipoli campaign
•             Wales at home in 1915
•             Welsh industry in the war
•             Welsh farming in the war
•             Welsh recruiting
•             Welsh Divisions or Soldiers
•             The peace movement

You will need to own the copyright to the images and be willing to give us permission to use your images. We are unable to provide any financial reimbursement for the use of your images. The images will only used in the context of the First World War Centenary Programme and may be used in other publications or social media. Please state any limitations or conditions that apply to the images you submit. We would also be grateful for a brief description of the nature of the image, if available. We will naturally credit the image owner in the publication.

Please send the images via email to cymruncofio-walesremembers1914-1918@Wales.GSI.Gov.UK or if the email is larger than 10 megabytes (MB), consider multiple emails or an electronic file sharing service such as Dropbox [] or WeTransfer [].


We will also be publishing a selection of First World War Centenary events happening in Wales or related to Wales. If you wish for your event to be considered for publication, please consider submitting it to us by adding it to our Programme website [] by using the electronic form on the left hand side.

If you are unsure if your event is suitable for the website, or if you wish to talk to us about your event, please get in contact by email on cymruncofio-walesremembers1914-1918@Wales.GSI.Gov.UK. We are unable to provide any financial reimbursement for the use of your events.

We would be grateful for any response by the 7 November, as to allow time for any submitted images and events to be considered and processed.

BBC News

·         Salisbury Museum's WW1 exhibition opens -
·         Worcester D-Day veteran's funeral attended by dozens -

Best Regards

Tony Smith
Guild Secretary